Reverence for Life. – By Oscar E V Fernando Reverence for Life (RL), in a broad sense, may be taken as respect or veneration for the life of plants, animals and human beings. It is the belief of some that a human being is only an animal and others connote sacredness or morality to a human being, depending on one’s religious belief. On this concept depends the approach to the meaning of (RL) Does it need moral teaching to conclude RL? Observing the world around and the behavior of living creatures would be sufficient to revere life! Following are some thoughts of the Great Humanitarian Philosopher and Writer AlbertSchweitzer-1875 –1965; ·       Ethics alone will prompt us to believe that RL involves maintaining life, and that to destroy it, without purpose, is evil. ·       The only one thing we are certain of is that we live, and that we want to go on living-until ...

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