Sri Lankan infection rate heading towards 100,000; Quo Vadis COVID 19?  By Raj Gonsalkorale   The Latin phrase Quo Vadis denotes an episode from the life of Saint Peter, as told in the New Testament Apocrypha and the ‘Golden Legend’. Peter fled from Rome during the persecution of Christians under the emperor Nero; as he was travelling along the Appian Way he met Christ in a vision. Astonished, he asked ‘Domine quo vadis?’ (‘Lord, where are you going?’). Christ replied that he was going to Rome to be crucified a second time. Peter then realised that his departure from the city was cowardly and returned to face whatever persecutions might befall him. The phrase “Quo Vadis” or where are you going or in Sinhala “Koheda Yanne?” seems to have similarities to the COVID pandemic in Sri Lanka. Does the country and those governing it know which direction it is ...

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