The Way Heart Works-By Dr. Harold Gunatillake Keep your heart rate between 60 to 80 beats per minute If you use an average of 80 beats per minute, your heart beats about 4,800 times per hour. That’s a whopping 115,200 times per day. Over the course of a year, your heart would beat about 42,048,000 times! Let’s listen to a healthy steady heartbeat. That is the way you must keep your heart beating through life. Take care of your heart and your heart will give you a healthy good lifespan. Athletes and others who do strenuous exercises, may bring down their heart rate according to the extent of training. Olympic athletes bring down their heart rate to 40 beats per minute, for competitive performance If you are sedentary, your heart rate may go up to 90 per minute, or more If your heart rate is more than 90 ...

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