TELEVISION “ON THE BLINK” by Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’ The World progresses. Television, as we know it in Australia is “on the blink”. For around sixty three years, since “the box” was introduced, Prime Minister Robert Menizies made the actual “formal introduction” of the A.B.C.(Channel 2) + 2 other Commercial Stations, namely Channels 7 & 9, in 1954, especially with the view that “TELEVISION” would be the ideal source of advertising the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games, and then, go on from there. This writer, still in Ceylon, had just joined the Royal Ceylon Navy and, of course, knew nothing of the “happenings” in Australia, but had already “appeared ” on television in Colombo, (actually at a huge variety entertainment event at St.Peter’s College, (my Alma-Mater), where the giant International Recording Company “Philips”of Holland was in the process of trying to introduce Television to the Ceylonese people, and “yours ...

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