The happy isle that was – By Oscar E V Fernando Reading a piece of Des Kelly, editor in chief of E Lanka Journal of Australia-on the internet, carrying very interesting articles poems etcetera bringing nostalgia to some of us remaining in this fair isle and to those who reluctantly migrated in search of pastures green to satisfy their unsettled psyche. Des Kelly had referred to some epithets familiar to us that were in use in the good old days where we were able to laugh at ourselves-some of these were-lansia karapotha-goigamalansia etc-these were humorously and or derogatively used depending on who used it and for what. I can add a few more-parangia-kalathonia-nana-humbeya-thambia-kalu suddha-muss veddha and some sayings as-lansi gedera banku kakula-thambige toppia bambuwa warge-karakenakota sembuwa warge and topped it all by sihalaya modaya kavun kanta yodaya Yes we really enjoyed the days that were-dancing to the tunes of-lansi gedera banku kakula-thambige ...
Nov 9, 2020
Articles, Oscar Fernando
Tagged Des Kelly, LTTE, Oscar E V Fernando, The happy isle
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