The World in Turmoil – Ecologically; Spiritually; Economically; and Politically. – By Noor Rahim The World is no more a Garden of Eden. One would have thought that with the advancement of knowledge and Technology it would be “Heaven on Earth”; but alas! It appears that we are far from it. Perhaps to those who have amassed wealth more than they will ever be able to spend themselves, in a life-time, it may be so. But to the ordinary folk it is a “day to day” scenario in life; with no time to see if it is Heaven or Earth. Ecologically; spiritually; economically and politically we seem to be edging closer and closer to the dreaded “Point of No Return” – that is if it is not too late already! The solution to these impending disasters does not lie directly on the masses, but on the shoulders of Governments (elected ...