“A HERITAGE OF SONG” Vol.2 by Desmond Kelly  The “title” itself is “as beautiful as it gets”. In addition to my introduction in the books themselves, with the coming of “Volume 2”, for the moment.! Congratulations should go to “Personalities” such as Ishan Bahar, Dallas Achilles, Derrick Junkeer & their families, for the “Organization” of the entire project, &  The “title” itself is “as beautiful as it gets”. In addition to my introduction in the books themselves, with the coming of “Volume 2”, for the moment.! Congratulations should go to “Personalities” such as Ishan Bahar, Dallas Achilles, Derrick Junkeer & their families, for the “Organization” of the entire project, & “Personalities” such as Victor Melder, Michael Fernandez of “The Lanka Time,  & most recently Neil Jayasekera of eLanka, for the valuable “publicity” that has been so kindly provided & last, but by no means, least, to the dozens of “Personalities” involved in ...

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