Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB’s) – how do they lower your high blood pressure-by Dr Harold Gunatillake Transcript: What are ARBs? They block the action of angiotensin 11 resulting in lowering of blood pressure. Angiotensin 11 a vasoconstrictor i.e., narrows blood vessels causing increase of blood pressure. Further, angiotensin 11 is a stimulus for salt and water retention in the body, which further increases blood pressure. Angiotensin 11 is derived from an inactive Angiotensin 1 produced from Angiotensinogen a protein made in your liver. ARBs reduce or blocks the action of this hormone angiotensin 11, thereby causing dilatation of blood vessels resulting in lowering of blood pressure. ARBs blocking the action of Angiotensin 11, lowers the blood pressure and prevent damage to the heart and kidneys caused by high blood pressure. So, those who take ARBs should realize that they are also effective in heart and kidney health, in addition to ...

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