BIWWA NEDA WADAKAHA SUDIYA – by Des Kelly Sent in to me, and in turn, to e’Lanka, is this famous Sinhala ditty, sung by many famous Sinhala vocalists & one Burgher bugger, whose name I conveniently forget, as I am much older now.  The English lyrics are self-composed, telling the story of Emily, the girl driven to drink. Cannot recall the name of the female dancer, but then, folks, who cares, as we concentrate on her “moves” & the little-fella is a great dancer, isn’t he ?. The very famous tune was composed by the late, great, Walter(Wally) Bastiansz my former baila-tutor in Moratuwa Please enjoy, & make a COMMENT OR THREE !!!., Thank you. Desmond Kelly. (Editor-in-Chief) e’Lanka. ...

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