Fundamentals of Economics – Demand and Supply –  By Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam   Economics is the study of how a group of individuals make decisions about the allocation of scarce resources. Since it deals with human behaviour, it is considered as social science. It is management of basic economic problem of demand and supply. Human wants and needs are infinite but nearly all resources are scarce, which forces the economic agents in making choices by allocating available resources between competing uses. Everyone have certain basic needs to live such as food, water and shelter. Everyone also have infinite things they want such as designer clothes, smart phones and luxury vehicle. Economics is how best to satisfy the people as effectively as possible. As these economic decisions are based often on opinions and judgements, they might not always make the most economic sense.                          Demand is the quantity of goods or ...

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The World in Turmoil – Ecologically; Spiritually; Economically; and Politically –by Noor R. Rahim The World is no more a Garden of Eden. One would have thought that with the advancement of knowledge and Technology it would be “Heaven on Earth”; but alas! It appears that we are far from it. Perhaps to those who have amassed wealth more than they will ever be able to spend themselves, in a life-time, it may be so. But to the ordinary folk it is a “day to day” scenario in life; with no time to see if it is Heaven or Earth.   Ecologically; spiritually; economically and politically we seem to be edging closer and closer to the dreaded “Point of No Return” – that is if it is not too late already! The solution to these impending disasters does not lie directly on the masses, but on the shoulders of Governments ...

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