Treatment of type two Diabetes (NIDDM) – By Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam Type two diabetes is either due to lack of sufficient insulin or inability to utilise available insulin. It onsets in middle aged obese individuals, but elderly patients may be thin. In the diagnosis of diabetes, two values are used, viz base line level (fasting) and two hours after a meal (post-prandial). WHO criteria for diabetes is 7 mmol/l for fasting and 11 mmol/l for post prandial. Between 6 to 7 mmol/l or 10 to 11 mmol/l are considered as pre-diabetic. Three methods are available in the tretment : diet alone, diet and oral hypoglycaemic drugs, and diet and insulin. About 50% of new cases could be controlled adequately by diet alone, 20 to 30% will need oral hypoglycaemic drug and 20 to 30% will require insulin. Person could be labelled diabetic depending on one of three blood tests. Raised ...