Omega-3 Healthy fats and its health benefits – By Dr harold Gunatillake Website: Omega-3 fights inflammation, supports brain health and normal cognitive function, is imperative for healthy fetal development, and combat depression while impacting diseases of mental decline, such as Alzheimer’s – to name a few. There is evidence that omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce high blood pressure or the risk of heart disease Omega-3 is a class of polyunsaturated fatty acids considered healthy fatty acids found in foods, such as fish, eggs, and flaxseed, among others, and in dietary supplements. Why are they called Omega-3 fatty acids? All fatty acids are carbon chains linked together with double bonds. An omega-3 fatty acid is a fatty acid with multiple double bonds, where the first double bond is between the third and fourth carbon atoms from the end of the carbon atom chain. There are three omega-3 fatty acids. ...

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“EGGS” (FREE RANGE) – By Des Kelly    Among us Sri Lankans, I feel sure that all eLanka readers would be fully aware, that there are many “Roosters”. That said, with all this animal cruelty around at the moment, I would like to dedicate this little piece, especially to all the hens around, after all, it takes a hen and a rooster to manufacture the topic of my article. Eggs are just dregs, when “battery-laid”, by procedures both cruel and strange Still, one egg per day, keeps the doctor away, if the hens as I say, are “free-range”. Hens can’t be to blame, for the cruelty and shame, that their lives locked in cages, now features, it’s not the natural way, and I’d go on to say, they are still one of God’s little creatures. Eggs give us the protein that everyone needs, we love them for breakfast each day, ...

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Will Eggs Break Your Heart?-by Harold Gunatillake Transcript: An egg gives life to a chick It has all the ingredients and recipe for that creation. Say no more, about its health benefits to mankind Dr. Harold A new report in JAMA found that eating even small amounts of eggs daily significantly raised the risk for both cardiovascular disease and premature death from all causes in nearly 30,000 participants. And the more eggs they ate, the higher their risk for coronary heart disease, stroke, and heart failure. This is what we are going to discuss today, and attempt to unravel the confusion If you have a cholesterol level concern, the first step and the solution would be to improve it, and not deprive yourself of eating an egg daily. About five decades back your doctor would have asked you not to eat eggs, as they are a ball ...

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