“OUR COCK-EYED WORLD” by Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’ A terrible thing to say, I suppose, but it IS a cockeyed (cross-eyed), call it what you “like-eyed” World, we are living in, at the moment. It has GOT to be something in the air.  Just a short time ago, in this particular season of “Spring”, in Australia, the only ones who had to worry would have been the hay-fever sufferers. Bushels of pollen, floating in the air, would now be preferable to the “bull-dust” flying around, at the moment, in Australia. In Lanka, it would be powdered, dried “Cow-dung”. A “hole” in the o-zone layer around Earth, has suddenly become a hole blasted into the sun!.How anything got close enough to the sun, to blast a hole in it, is anybody’s guess. Maybe “Google” did it. They can do anything, I believe. Besides this, if there IS a big ...

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