“PELL”S APPEAL” – By Des Kelly So, after quite a “spell”, a final appeal from the lawyers of Cardinal George Pell will be heard, to determine whether the highest rating “Catholic Cardinal” in Australia IS guilty, (he still denies the charges), and everyone knows that the Legal-System in Australia is a long, drawn out affair, but, after this appeal is heard and if it fails, then Cardinal Pell would possibly be sentenced to a term in prison, a huge “come-down” from the Vatican in Rome, where he was the third top-ranked Official of the Church, and could have possibly ended up as the Pope in a few years time, such was his standing there.  While it is still a shock to the system, my view would always be that child-child-molestation is rampant everywhere, not just in the Catholic Church. Still, it is far worse when innocent children are molested sexually ...

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