“FLY BUTTERFLY, FLY” – By Des Kelly The strangest things do happen in “Show-business”. It has been seventy six years or thereabouts since I have been a part of it, both in “old Ceylon” & now, Australia, where, try as I might, I have never been successful in the “selling” of any of my original “song-compositions” to any Aussie-Star in the recording field, not because THEY would not approve of them, (my songs are good enough), but, their “managements” do not even seem interested in acknowledging letters or e’mails forwarded to them.  This is a very bad, unprofessional attitude on the part of Australian “entertainment/managements”. Doesn’t happen in America or the Netherlands, I feel, & “the proof is in the pudding”, so to speak, as I now come to the unusual, but welcome attitude of a Dutch Country Singer by the name of Tony Kerr (an excellent “Country vocalist/guitarist”), who ...

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