“Red Planet-Robotic-Push” – By Des Kelly A few months ago (5th May 2018), to be exact, a rocket appropriately named “Insight” was launched from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California at 9.05 pm AEST.,was in “Cruise-mode” for 6 months, got there after a 60 day “Approach to the surface phase”, taking only about 6 minutes during the descent/entry stage to successfully land gently on Mars, the Red Planet at exactly 7 minutes to 7am, Melbourne time. About 33.9 million miles from Earth, where humanoids are desperately searching for another Planet to “migrate” to, Mars will now have to be “probed” by some “bloody boring apparatus” to the depth of about 5 miles to find out whether there is any water down there, I suppose, to keep the new migrants living. We are, as everybody knows, heavily over-populated on Earth, at the moment. Every-bloody-where. !!! In the near future, after ...

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