“STORIES IN SONG” SERIES 2019 – “ONE & ONE & ONE” By Des Kelly A beautiful title, to a beautiful song, sung to perfection by someone who, once you start listening to, you just”hang-on” until the very end, because Gene Watson always says it, or sings it, as it is. This is why GOOD Country music, putting it mildly, will NEVER go away. This is why, as I’ve always said, Music is ALWAYS a story, or “Stories in Song”, no matter whether as an Instrumental, or a vocalised version.  Great Composers such as Strauss or Haydn (my personal favourites), brought instrumental “works” into our World, which did not need any lyrics to enhance them. Everyone with a ” musical ear” simply had to listen to the music, take in the glorious chord-work of these great compositions, to drift away, into a World of ther own, just take Johann Strauss’s Blue Danube Waltz, ...

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