“THE 64 DOLLAR QUESTION” – By Des Kelly Victoria, Australia, a “State of the art” State, where, from the early years of migration, people, myself & my own family included, chose to come to, in order to make a better life for ourselves & our children.      Victoria, Australia,& Melbourne, voted, on many occasions as the most “liveable” City in the entire World. Victoria, undoubtedly named in honour of the Queen who was also the “Empress of India”& whose descendant, Elizabeth the 2nd is STILL the Queen of Australia, thankfully.      It amazes me that just 56 years have passed, since I came to this Country, and so much has changed in what is termed “the blink of an eye” in the context of time.  As I have always said (and written), in whatever Government sits in Parliament, the one most important ” department IS the Department of ...

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