What are Vasodilators and what are they used for? By Dr harold Gunatillake   Transcript: Vasodilatation is the basic principle involved in control of high blood pressure. Narrowing of your blood vessels is a normal phenomenon as we get older due to thickening of the vessel walls, narrowing the lumen, and to the action of angiotensin 11 derived from inactive angiotensin 1 due to catalyzing effect by angiotensin converting enzyme, and making the heart pump with more force for the distribution of oxygenated blood with micro-nutrients- resulting in high blood pressure. All antihypertensive medication aims at causing vasodilatation of blood vessels and slowing of the heart rate. Vaso refers relative to blood vessels and dilatation of such vessels is possible due to the smooth muscle content in the vessel wall. Widening of blood vessels do occur that aren’t due to underlying diseases. Examples include warm temperatures such as time spent ...

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Colombian Exchange: Effects on Sri Lanka’s Culinary Landscape Source:Brisbane 4EB Sri Lankan Newsletter – Dæhæna – October 2021 Colombian exchange is the anthropological term describing the exchange of produce between the New World (Americas and the Caribbean) and the Old World. This trade was primarily facilitated by the first exploration of Portuguese and Spanish seafarers who not only introduced the fruits and vegetables to their native lands, but also across their colonies. The Columbian Exchange has played an integral role in sculpting the culinary landscape of Sri Lanka. Many fruits and vegetables believed to be quintessentially Sri Lankan have their roots in the Americas. The following are a small sample of the vast number of edible items introduced to Sri Lanka from the Americas: Fruits: Avocado, Chilli Peppers, Guava, Papaya, Passion Fruit, Pine apple, Tomatoes Vegetables: Corn, Manioc, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Sweet Potatoes Nuts: Brazil Nuts, Cashew, Peanuts, Pecans Beans: Kidney, ...

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