“POSTE-HASTE” – TOOTH-PASTE – By Des Kelly There used to be a typical Radio “ad” during my younger days, on the Commercial Service of Radio Ceylon that I do remember so well. It used to be a short one, that didn’t rhyme, so, for my eLanka readers, because I am certain that many of you  hadn’t a clue, of what else, toothpaste could do, (besides clean your teeth or dentures, as the case may be), being a poet of sorts, a jingle and songwriter as well, I have decided to rewrite the “ad” for the benefit of this toothpaste I used myself, back home.  I do not think this product is available anymore, but if it is, well, my “jingle” for them is completely gratis. What follows is an astounding list of no less than 23 reasons why toothpaste is the most useful of materials. Make that a round ...

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