DEMISE OF DEARLY BELOVED RANI THERESE JAYWARWADNE FORMERLY OF WALKER SONS & CO LTD Yasmin & I were saddened, shocked, and stunned to learn the sudden demise of our Dearly Beloved, Amazing & Adorable Friend Rani Therese Jayawardena She has been a very cheerful, bubbly & and amazing friend to me ever since I joined Walker Sons & Co Ltd on February 1 1968 till I left for Oman on May 3 1975. She always said that I reminded her of her brother who was in the United Kingdom. She was a Dynamic Secretary to our revered leader and my mentor the Late Professor Deshamanya Tony Furkhan, the then Chief Accountant. She was also very popular with her workmates in the Accounts Department. & the Netballers @ Walkers. She proved her mettle in Kuwait so much so that her Employers continued to retain her under their sponsorship till she was ...