Clean Sri Lanka 4 – By Oscar Fernando Cleaning up this country seems a huge task, larger than what meets the eye; the mayhem caused by the recent bankruptcy showed the enormity of the gathered dirt over the years and the need to clean up and clean up fast to avoid a similar fate; it was frightening to think that we would have been in the same plight as some of the countries that got bankrupt recently-this is perhaps due to the resilience of our people and the maneuvering skill of the then government! It is welcoming to see the present regime following the same path with only a minimum of change revealing to the world that the so-called Extreme Right and Extreme Left can get together in a middle path giving up extremes of both. The three-tiered polity to govern this small country is another area to clean up; ...

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Clean Sri Lanka – By Oscar E V Fernando Where every prospect pleases, man alone is vile-this was said by Bishop Heber of Calcutta when he visited Sri Lanka or Ceylon in 1825. It was in a hymn he wrote around that time and he goes on to say-the heathen in his blindness bows down to wood and stone. There is a ring of imperialism and a tone of racism implied in these lines, but the impact of it on society then and now, when our country has been bashed forwards and back with incidents of racism-this must be viewed minus colored glasses as it shows how much more has to be cleaned up other than only dirt-dust-fallen leaves and polyethene bags. This exercise will reveal loads of crap and dirt hidden under the carpet for a long period-long enough to drag the country down to bankruptcy as even the ...

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Clean minds essential for a Clean Sri Lanka. The system change must begin with mind-set change. – By Aubrey Joachim Resemblances to the early pre-transformation days of Singapore are beginning to show up with the new regime in Sri Lanka. Six decades following Lee Kuan Yew’s cleansing and development of that nation has given rise to a world leader in a number of contexts including corruption elimination and cleanliness. More recently, it has also emerged as a leader in digitalisation. Ironically at the beginning of Singapore’s transformation journey Lee Kuan Yew set out to model his fledgling nation on the Ceylon of the 1960’s. Ceylonese were invited to help with setting up administrative and other processes. To date, Singaporeans of Ceylonese descent hold important positions in the country and are held in high esteem. In the six decades that followed, while Singapore scaled the heights of economic and governance achievements, ...

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