Nayomi recipient of Sumathi and Raigam Telees awards on a scintillating voyage at just twenty four Years old from remote Nellikulama – by Sunil Thenabadu Nayomi Thakshila the award winning renowned tele drama actress is a native of a remote village Nellikulama close to Anuradhapura born on 1st January 1999 to humble parents has two elder sisters and one elder brother as siblings, she been the ‘bada pissa’ of the family. All elder siblings have tied the respective nuptial knots, to date Nayomi has eight loving nephews and nieces domiciled in the Anuradhapura district.In the dwelling they were brought up has had a few perches of bare land where they had grown many types of vegetables including ‘sugar cane’, ‘plantains’. In an television confrontation she had jested that one day when they visited a family friend, he had given a small branch of ‘Sugar cane’ advising them to grow which had grown wild ...