Oscar Fernando

A Message from The Great Beyond By Oscar E V Fernando   Topics bordering the beyond-considered as beneath the fashionable-intellectual and macho level of attention-now appear in the social media-inhibited only by the modernist taboo-of the writer being dubbed-a goodie-goodie-observed John Is the new attention a covid syndrome-asked Jack perhaps-perhaps it is -said John-what with search for vaccines-and even the lowly honey bee not being left alone however-thoughts of the beyond-other than astronomy-science-finance and technology-are indulged in by those stranded in the realms of logic-but also searching for contentment within stop that cacophony of which I have had a full in ear and eye-a whole decade through and go ahead with the theme that seems to-en-balm-my soul-sickened with the show of pomp-pageantry- rivalry-hatred-power-wealth and glory-seen all over society and in the world at large said Jack ...

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The Mystique of Christmas Joy – by Oscar E V Fernando   “Christmas is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting. It is happiness because we see joy in people. It is forgetting self and finding time for others. It is discarding the meaningless and stressing the true values” Thomas S. Monson What is Christmas asked Jack from John-why does it make people happy-joyfully enthusiastic-with silver bells and stars in a Christmas tree-making it so much a mystique  Mystique john said is food for the heart and soul to enable love and forgiveness and enthusiasm is-God within-so defined in the dictionary Jack continued to say that only turkey and wine could induce this happiness and enthusiasm in Christmas-John said-it is so for those not aware or made to believe that Jesus is no God why do you say Jesus is God asked Jack ...

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Christmas Joy – by Oscar E V Fernando What is Christmas asked Jack from John-why does it make people happy-joyfully enthusiastic-with silver bells and stars in a Christmas tree-making it so much a mystique enthusiasm is-God within-so defined in the dictionary-said John and Jack continued to say that only turkey and wine could induce this happiness and enthusiasm in Christmas-John said-it is so for those not aware or made to believe that Jesus is no God why do you say Jesus is God asked Jack read the bible both old and new with the mind’s eye open-follow teachings of the ‘Jesus instituted church’-to know Jesus is God-while some others woefully attempt to deny this and insist, he is only man-but more of that later-just for now-why this Joy at Christmas-said John ...

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The ethnic issue and fear of power devolution – By Oscar E.V. Fernando   Source:FT LK Communities in this country consisting of Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and Burghers that stood together for the cause of independence in the thirties, became estranged and some of the disgruntled, left out shores. What put them apart? History, that is often opinionated with probable views, was the probable cause for parting of ways-and history will not bring rice to the table! Some say this, pointing out to reams of papers – and some say that, by pointing out another set of papers. We may argue and debate this history till the cows come home – but if both sides stick to their guns, it will only end in fisticuffs – or more likely gun battles – for hate will not cease with hatred-only love and forgiveness will conquer! ...

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The happy isle that was – By Oscar E V Fernando Reading a piece of Des Kelly, editor in chief of E Lanka Journal of Australia-on the internet, carrying very interesting articles poems etcetera bringing nostalgia to some of us remaining in this fair isle and to those who reluctantly migrated in search of pastures green to satisfy their unsettled psyche. Des Kelly had referred to some epithets familiar to us that were in use in the good old days where we were able to laugh at ourselves-some of these were-lansia karapotha-goigamalansia etc-these were humorously and or derogatively used depending on who used it and for what. I can add a few more-parangia-kalathonia-nana-humbeya-thambia-kalu suddha-muss veddha and some sayings as-lansi gedera banku kakula-thambige toppia bambuwa warge-karakenakota sembuwa warge and topped it all by sihalaya modaya kavun kanta yodaya Yes we really enjoyed the days that were-dancing to the tunes of-lansi gedera banku kakula-thambige ...

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Plants animals and peoples – By Oscar E V Fernando Jack always the curious asked John-how and why should we humans interact with plants and animals-are these not there for consumption admiration and for game hunting pleasures alone No said John-all is of one creation-having the environment-our common home-as good Pope Francis says-and the study of this home is called ecology ecology! screamed Jack-does it bring bread to the table man does not live by bread and bread alone-there are those other values to live by-social-cultural and spiritual-need for which we have faced many a time in life-and ignoring which has brought this enormous environmental crises-such as tsunamis-floods-earthquakes-forest fires-pandemics and the likes-no end what can the matter be and what oh what shall we do to avoid such catastrophes-asked Jack   ...

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Rock of Ages – by Oscar E V Fernando   Opinions-opinions-dull the world with no opinions-to ponder-opinion defined as a view held as probable-said John Jack said-the world is muddled up with opinions- making it more and more complicated and baffling both agreed-physical and spiritual sides of man need a two tracked control-giving Cesar his dues and God His and for this many an empire with wealth-power-pelf and glory-stalked the earth but a wee while in the span of a double millennia-John said What and where lies the tower and power for peace-asked Jack you are knocking on a door where angels fear to tread-the chosen venture and fools rush in-said John-and made bold to skim the surface of this illusive-and evasive thought ...

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Ceylon then-Sri Lanka now-a Void so Wide – by Oscar E V Fernando   A subject volatile needs a rope so tight with opinions sensitive and also wide then-flowing in milk and honey-now-in pools of blood so frequent-sad and despondent-here and in the world resplendent blood and bombs outside-a subject too tricky for us to handle-let us to the local scene be confined a tapestry of colorful design and taste with communities all living in peace and joy-veddhas-sinhalese-tamils muslims-burghers and the malays-a spicy tasty pickle it was-though foreign they gave their might to make the country free from the yoke of foreign rule and their continued fleece-lo and behold the submerged desire to shake off the shackles of shame caved in to a wild desire to went upon the less in might and brawn who happened to share spoils then ...

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Living in the Present – by Oscar E V Fernando   Rhythm! a boring repetition-a quirk of creation to be bourn as a burden from womb to tomb-or an eternal melody rendered to thwart a humdrum existence? a matter to sit and ponder-the sun rising and setting day in day out and why so the moon too a bore for some-not for those that dream dare and die-nothing ventured nothing gained and those accepting gloom will lament and lament alone till the day of doom to froth and fume-like all others who may ask-why this and not that-the stubborn rhythm will last forever and for ever let’s behold the beauty and glory of each passing day with no weighing thought of the past-nor imaging a wishful dream of a bloated future-a future that only awaits a concrete plan with lessons learned and positively thought-laid out for its disposal to last   ...

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Sunrise and Sunset – by Oscar E V Fernando     Sunrise and Sunset “When you do something noble and beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle and yet most of the audience still sleeps.” – John Lennon   Sunrise and Sunset In between this rising and setting we live, breath and have our being? It is this Flash of Golden Beam-we do salute the new born day. In this span we grow, be happy and live sharing- All we have in body-soul-mind and spirit in what we do and say. Within this rise and set-with no wanton pollution of nature We learn from this Gentle Giant to start with grace so rear in human lore And roar on the day’s work with stealth and healthy stature To live this span with no burden past or future that makes life ...

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