Oscar Fernando

The Flow Eternal – by Oscar E V Fernando   My spirit waits still-my cells slither along-observing life in wisdom and prudence-flowing-flowing and flowing along-searching for the end eternal On and on mid dell and dale I slide-move and crawl-no harm to any spelled-even when provoked to stall-but no-I move along with no time in waste to win or bawl I see-I hear-I collect human drama both cruel and joy-rumbling-rumbling I keep rolling along-in self-esteem-washing-polishing stones to shimmer-for those who make it a price for their supper- the fish fauna and the flora within-I feed cloth and shelter as humans should-for those in need-to live better-but do not-due to human folly-greed-arrogance and violence so bitter Find my way with peace to all-singing-whistling melodies-to fall-mellow at times-at times roaring rough to bawl-when of a sudden my silvery shined face-distorted by toxic waste-drained on me by greed and industry’s pelf of waste-stop ...

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Memory – by Oscar E V Fernando Memory is defined as-ability of the mind to remember-the mind’s store of remembered events-impressions-knowledge-ideas etcetera-all linked to the mind And what is it to forget-is it to forget something-to forget about something-is it to fail or be unable to remember? Or is it stop being aware of something-neglect or overlook something-leave behind something accidentally-to dismiss something from one’s mind Does it boggle your mind to realize that all these are-our mind playing hide and seek with us? Haven’t we at any one time or the other in our life not faced the aforesaid states of mind None can say – we have not It was so from our childhood up to our later years-but gradually it became a problem to think of as we closed in onto middle age-when it’s frequency and duration increased-for some it has become a frightening prospect to deal with-battling with ...

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Poverty – by Oscar E V Fernando   Poverty is described as the condition of being poor and in want-poor in quality-in adequacy-in efficiency-imagination etcetera-and the most impactful of all to society, is the poverty of insufficient money-to-leave alone live comfortably, but having to live in squalor-misery-hunger and consequent malnutrition United Nations-(UN)-says-poverty is-the inability to have choices and opportunities-a violation of human dignity-not having-enough to clothe and feed a family-no school or clinic to go to-land to till-a job to earn one’s living nor have access to credit Poverty brings out hunger-an uneasy sensation-leading to exhaustion caused by want of food and water-causing malnutrition-leading to mental retardation and physical stunting of children-thus causing eventual death-and that-purely due to poverty Hunger and poverty are called-twins in a trap and is a pointer towards terrorism from early recorded history-we observe there was inequality of wealth and social status in the world-so much ...

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PEACE  By Oscar E V Fernando PEACE Peace-much used and abused! An atmospheric turbulence, followed by calm on its own-thus bringing peace-is called an act of God or it can be absence of war-following a treaty signed by humans of hostile communities within a nation-bringing about a halt to noise disturbance-disorder-followed with no bombardment or the wails of butchered humans or groans of animals-scenes gruesome on the battlefield both called external peace there is the peace generated from within and taught by philosophers-practicing which-one discovers peace within and is revealed in the demeanor of a person who survives mental agitation-thus portraying serenity and tranquility-ready and willing to talk steps that lead to enduring peace with no agitation within-such a team of persons can survive hostile conduct against a peaceful solution to a long-vexed problem Such peace is called-internal peace and is elucidated in the song accompanying this piece- let there be peace on ...

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Forgive – by Oscar E V Fernando What does it mean-to forgive? Is it to stop being angry with or pardon a person who has wronged you, there being a long list of words describing forgiveness such as-excuse-exonerate-absolve-acquit-all sounding legalistic and derivations from legal statutes-or verdicts of a bench of judges-others like-let go of-not feel resentful-not feel vengeful-connote equanimity and calmness of temper arising from the spirit within-conceptualizing natural justice or equity! The writer opines-that the person who believes he is created in the image and likeness of the creator-described as the Source and Fountain of Love-it would appear that forgiveness is easier to him than to the person who does not believe that love is so etched in his being-for such a person is more likely to take instant revenge-like the immediate reaction of an animal that would swipe and kill another-on being attacked-this is a general aspersion To the former-bearing ...

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Love-in-Action – by Oscar E V Fernando   If you feel affection to your neighbor or your romantic partner-it is concluded as love-love flowing from the gentle nature of man-the very ingredient he/she is made of-in the creator’s stature and original design and accepted in faith by the so called unwise and the simple-following the admonition to be like children is that planned pure love-now contaminated-needing a determined effort to find this pearl of great price only at a price and sacrifice? they say they have fallen in love-whereas in many cases it would appear they are in a trance with self-hypnotism-adoring each other with hypnotic make believe do we not see that some of these cooing love birds when faced with their first litmus test in bearing mutual sacrifices- stumble and fall-a common instance being the arrival of a child-when the molly coddled son/daughter now turned father/mother tries to evade ...

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Human Elephant Conflict-Sri Lanka – by Oscar E V Fernando   The smashing of a human head-breaking of an arm or leg of a father, mother brother sister walking a lonely dusky eve to bring a meagre loaf of bread to a family eagerly waiting for their hungry dinner-to hear the news that the sibling or parent had been smashed to death by an elephant on the way for the family bread-is no joyous news to a family living in a village bordering wild elephant infested jungle-or even for an elegant family in an elite Colombo Cozy home-what horrendous news the latter would produce and how normal the former would be-is it the new normal? Nay-it is a fairly old normal Sri Lankan society is bloodied with for decades-no end. How will the two families react? The sibling of the bordering village will initially sigh for the dead and then ...

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IF – by RUDYARD KIPLING If you can keep your head when all about you     Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,     But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,     Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,     And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:   If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;     If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster     And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken     Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,     And stoop ...

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Missive by Oscar E V Fernando – Desiderata   GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ...

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An Ethnic Ponder by Oscar Fernando   There was a time when the power of love was taught to be mightier than the power of the gun-but with the industrial revolution in Europe-good by itself-and then the discovery of gun powder-followed by the Renaissance and Free Thinking-people were made to believe-that the power of the gun was mightier than love. What must and should be done today? To bring bask that Medieval Love and in one voice say- Father Forgive them-for they did not know-what they did. Any thing less will continue the present world chaos. ...

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