This Eerie silence – By Oscar E V Fernando

This Eerie silence – By Oscar E V Fernando



Will this sound of silence go on and on?

Till that terrible drumming within ceases

A drumming that is consistently reeling around

Till man in his restlessness pulls out its blocking fingers.


Thus filling in that frenzied drumming with sweat sound of silence

Which is the spirit with which He filled the void in existence before creation.

Man was ceaselessly searching for this Silence

For Man is restless until he rests in adoration.


The search we know was maddening

In the wrong direction and it was so saddening

With misplaced greed for wealth position and glory

All of which was readily there if he searched for His Glory.


Seek ye first the Kingdom of God He said

For then you will find what you searched with uneasy haste

That drumming will cease and you will find rest

With a soul filled with cheery silence with no uneasy boast.

Oscar Fernando
Oscar E V Fernando

May 2020


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