Reason for Life-A Plausible Opinion! – By Oscar E V Fernando

Reason for Life-A Plausible Opinion! – By Oscar E V Fernando

Oscar Fernando


Is it to-know-love-and serve God-as admonished?

To Know!

See a bud in gradual bloom-with roots pacing down for nutrients-

Leaves breathing in and breathing out oxygen.

Life in the egg with no breaking of shell-calf at udder with no earthly guidance.

Smile of a mother with unbearable pain in birthing’s sufferance.

The birdie ready with open mouth for food at mother’s beak for indulgence.

That melodious chord of music enthralling one to a glimpse of heaven’s raptures.

Fine tuning of Universe with precision revolution.

Are all these accidental? Or is it Maneuvered Intelligence?

Why be so blind as to refuse to see these-and many more and thus begin to-

Know God.

To Love!

Is love just a feeling of strong affection or liking?

Feeling-a common term-more of a carnal bearing.

In more depth-is it not a sacrificial leaning?

To get into the other’s shoe and find it irritating.

Or bear it all for-they do not know what they are doing!

God in person admonished to love one another as He loved us.

Love that unknown man in Samaritan style-with nothing to fuss

Turn the other cheek as he is your brother-not minding hurt.

He bore in silence when mocked as king-you say that I am-said He calmly.

Understood and pardoned doubting Thomas-in glorified Godliness.

Walked up to Calvary with no word of scorn in exemplary kindliness.

Thus Jesus the Man-if not God-taught Sacrificial Love in action

Said-whatever you do to the least of my brothers with love-

You have done it for me

Learn sacrificial love from Jesus-love thy neighbor as thyself-

And that is to-

Love God

To serve!

Each day we have a task to do-and that task is the nearest

Fulfilling that task and doing it at utmost best is serving Him

We may be at the task-cursing and grumbling-is this my lot?

Or one can do it with a heart full of cheer as it is done for Him.

Serve God with poet Kalidasa;

Look to this day:
For it is life, the very life of life.
In its brief course
Lie all the verities and realities of your existence.
The bliss of growth,
The glory of action,
The splendor of achievement
Are but experiences of time.

For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow is only a vision;
And today well-lived, makes
Yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well therefore to this day;
Such is the salutation to the ever-new dawn!

Work so with ethical norms-and with no motives ulterior; 

And that my friend is to-

Serve God

Are all these words coming out from the mouths of Babes?

Or are these familiar words of wisdom from modern day psychiatrists-more familiarly called shrinks-as balm for today’s confused minds-perhaps sans the forbidden Word-God

Oscar E V Fernando

May 2020



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