“A CHAPTER ON COMEDY” – by Des Kelly   It had to come from Charles Schokman of course, and e’Lanka says “thank you” to both “Charlies” involved. The Chaplain that Schokman is referring to, in this most interesting story, is of course The former Knight of the British Empire, Sir Charles Chaplain, mostly famous as a comical British Actor, who brought smiles and laughter to millions of folk around the Globe, who watched Charlie’s antics on Cinema Screens everywhere. Unlike many English Comedians of his era, Charlie Chaplain was not large at all in stature, but, made up for this amply, in the roles he played, with a natural comedic abandon, most brilliantly. However, in addition to his acting, Sir C.C. was also a Musician of note, whose most famous song Composition was naturally titled “Smile”, a most beautiful piece of music with lyrics to match.  ...

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11th February ……The day Charlie Chaplin died and some profound facts of and for a happy Life. – by Desmond Kelly Sir Charles Chaplin, or simply Charley Chaplin as everyone knew  him, was born on the 16th of April, 1889 and died on the25th of December 1977, at 88 years of age,was not just the comic Character he portrayed, but also a wise and witty little man who made some profound statements before he closed his eyes for the last time. This story came to e’Lanka via Chris Lawton O.A.M. , & Keith Bennett, and we thank both of them for it. Desmond Kelly. (Editor-in-Chief)  e’Lanka.   Today is the day…when Charlie Chaplin  died….so his 3 profound  observations (1) Nothing is Permanent in this World, not even our Troubles. (2) I like Walking in the Rain,  because NoBody can see my Tears. (3) The Most Wasted Day in Life is the ...

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