“THE GUITAR” – By Des Kelly Written by one of my favourite guitarists himself, the late, great Les Paul, who built his own instrument to prove that he could accomplish greater deeds in his own music-instrumentation, that was almost impossible in his day & age. Les Paul was born in 1915 & died in 2009, at 94 years of age. He was considered to be one of the finest guitar-pickers, long before he decided to invent his very OWN brand of beautiful instrument. The rest is Musical history. Two of my favourite guitarists have always been Chester (Chet) Atkins and Les Paul. Both have their individual styles of playing the guitar, both on the too rung, as far as I was concerned. I an a self-taught guitarist as well & have played both rhythm & lead for years until, due to ankylosin spondylitis, unfortunately I had to stop. As a youngster, ...

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“THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE” – By Des Kelly This little girl, singing so sweetly about a subject that, at her obvious age, she would have known very little about, will, in the not too distant future, quite possibly be taught not only about ‘the garden’, but this man called Jesus, who came into this very place, with some of his followers, to pray about what was about to happen to him.  She will learn about the man called Jesus Christ who was God’s Son, sent down to Earth by HIM so that HE (Jesus) would talk to the people about his Father in Heaven and advise then on how they could also enter the Heavenly Realm someday, to share eternal life thereafter. Jesus was on his knees, in the garden, when another of his followers (Disciples) came in, and, for 30 pieces of silver, pointed him out, to the Roman ...

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Ducks’ – by Des Kelly While everyone knows that I am a lover of good music, most of my friends do not realize that I am also a dedicated animal & bird lover and always have been. Yes, I am, so it amazes and riles me to learn of any wanton cruelty to ANY of our fellow-creatures on this Planet. This disgusting habit of Duck-Shooting apalls me. Why it has ever been permitted ANYWHERE, ...

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“VALENTINE’S DAY” – by Des Kelly “A very happy Valentine’s day to each & every e’Lanka Member & Reader. Your “Valantine” will know WHO you are, so do the correct thing, even if, unlike Poet Geoffrey Chaucer who, in the 14th Century AD wrote quite a lengthy 700 page poem entitled Parliament of Fowls to signify that “birds” too, fall in love, thereby presenting us with the eggs we love to eat with breakfast every day.  Apart from all this, St.Valentine was a Martyr who did all the right things until he was then wrongfully jailed by Roman Emperor Claudius, and, according to legend, fell in love with a young chamber-maid, working at the palace, and got executed for his trouble & strife (his would-be wife, according to Aussie lingo). So friends, there is no need to write any long poems, just send a card, complete with one red rose ...

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ISSDO VADDE – by Des Kelly Sinhalese translation for ‘Prawn-Patties’, eaten by all of us Sri Lankans at one time or another. I remember them being sold at various venues, like the glorious beaches all around the Island.There was always a seller, practically as you beached after a body-surf, there he was, offering these delicious tidbits as he walked beside you to where your clothes lay on the beach with a rupee or two carefully hidden, for the specific reason of buying something to eat out there. All the ‘vaddes’ did not have the prawn attached, and, back in the late 1940’s & early 50’s, you were good for 4 of them for 2 rupees, or, if you were less Affluent, you could buy two, with the prawns stuck on for around 75 cents each. The same culinary objective was available at Railway Train Stations, where, together with the Prawn ...

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KELLY KLASSIC – I’VE GOT TOO MUCH ON MY HEART – by Des Kelly Jimmy Fortune sings this song, about his time with the Statler Brothers, one of the very best Vocal Groups that I have been lucky to hear. I’VE GOT TOO MUCH ON MY HEART”.   Desmond Kelly.. (Mr.Music) (Editor-in-Chief)..  e’Lanka. ...

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“A DOG’S LIFE” – THE PRIVILEGED DOGS OF THE LATE QUEEN – By Des Kelly Sadly, many people around the World today lead what is termed ‘a dog’s life’, barely able to find something to eat, diggimg into dust-bins in order to do so, ragged & torn clothing on their backs, no matter what the weather, no-one to help them when they are sick, being laid in the so-called ‘pauper’s grave’ at the end, and, sadder also is the fact that this happens to most dogs as well. I am unsure about the percentages, but would think that it is in the higher bracket of ubfortunate happenings. This, already being my saddest introduction to a story in 2023, let us now delve into quite the opposite, with this video from Christopher Lawton, OAM, which proves that ‘certain dogs’ have been, are now, and forever will be, some of the luckiest ...

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“LISTENING HELPS”-by Des Kelly Unfortunately our male gender has always been short of hearing or, for reasons of their own, are as deaf as posts. This proof comes to us from Carol Vieyra, via Keith Bennett, of coursel, and/e’Lanka thanks both these wonderful people/for this example of a totally deaf repairman. Please read on.  Desmond Kelly. (Mr.Music) (Editor-in-Chief)…. e’Lanka. ...

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Ambuluwawa Tower in Sri Lanka – by Des Kelly Especially for those who have not watched this incredible video before, and for those who wish to watch it again, simply for the thrill it can give you, here it is, folks, the Ambuluwava Tower of Sri Lanka, a tower that will have you in it’s power, the moment you dare to climb it, or even hover on it’s lower stories to watch the glories around this tiny Island, previously called Ceylon, now Sri Lanka. Watch the video folks, even rewatch, if you may. I watched it three times, today. Thank you Charles Schokman for sending this one in. Please see the full story on eLanka – click here Desmond Kelly. (Mr.Music) (Editor-in-Chief). e’Lanka. ...

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