“THE OLDER YOU GET” – by Des Kelly “Live & let die, is another phrase less frequently around us these days, simply because all the youngsters around us elders are already living life to the full, anyway and do not even bother with English Phrases & things. Thank you, Keith for these excellent hints for ALL elderly people. We will surely read them and try to remember them, as much as possible. Desmond Kelly. (Mr.Music) (Editor-in-Chief)… e’Lanka. FOR ELDERS FROM AGES 45 TO 100 YEARS – HEALTH HINTS ****************** However busy you are, observe all these to remain healthy:  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Drink less milk in your tea. Instead, add lemon or lime juice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the day time, drink more water; but night time, drink less.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the day don’t drink more than 2 cups of coffee, Advisable To Stop Completely too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eat less oily foods.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Best sleeping ...

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A KELLY KLASSIC – “The Carter Family – My Dixie Darling” – by Des Kelly The Original Carter Family, actually the first family group to bring Country Music into focus. This is another KELLY-KLASSIC for all to enjoy. Desmond Kelly (Mr.Music) (Editor-in-Chief) . e’Lanka. ...

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“LOST FOR WORDS” – by Des Kelly Even if this IS a repeat, and even the National News is repeated so very much, these days, I am completely lost for words, so with thanks to Ralph Baker & Keith Bennett, I will now move on to Keith & his Lexophiles as he calls them, and let you good people enjoy our repeat, if indeed it IS one. Desmond Kelly. (Mr.Music) (Editor-in-Chief). . e’Lanka. Lexophiles “Lexophile” is a word used to describe those that have a love for words, such as …………….. “you can tune a piano, but you can’t tuna fish”, or “to write with a broken pencil is pointless.” A competition to see who can come up with the best lexophiles is held every year. This year’s winning submission is posted at the very end. .. When fish are in schools, they sometimes take debate. .. A thief who ...

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“SHAMEFUL STATISTICS” – by Des Kelly A typical lack of “good news” both in our newspapers and on television, is proven without a shadow of a doubt, by simply the one story (above), sent in to us by A typical lack of “good news” both in our newspapers and on television, is proven without a shadow of a doubt, by simply the one story (above), sent in to us by Keith Bennett, for which a warm ‘thank you’ is in order., for which a warm ‘thank you’ is in order. I have mentioned and even written about this, to no effect it sadly seems. Presently, I get no newspapers, simply because I am housebound, and will be, until they carry me out in a box, but while I do not want sympathy, I would be extremely happy to see what is happening around our Planet, on television. At the moment, ...

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ROAD SAFETY ?? – by Des Kelly Yes, Road Safety, as my own songs prove, are one of the main sources of preventing accidents big & small, but there are OTHER CAUSES too, & e’Lanka is about ti prove this to all of you. Coming to us via Larry De Motte & Keith Bennett for which we thank them, are some of these reasons. Please watch, to the finish. This may surprise you. ...

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AN ANNIVERSARY TO REMEMBER” – by Des Kelly Any Anniversary is akin to my title of introduction. As we humans grow older, with each passing day, we tend to sometimes forget various Anniversaries, often to the annoyance of Partners and friends. Mostly, these important Anniversaries are those of Birthdays & Weddings which have ‘come & gone’ sadly, as the years pass by.  NOT SO, IS THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF A LITTLE ISLAND, FORMERLY CALLED CEYLON, NOW, SRI LANKA. Not only is this one unforgettable because of it’s past colourful history, but NOW, because of a really BRILLIANT piece of WRITING by 103 year old D.L.SIRIMANNE from KOHUWALA, a little Suburb of Sri Lanka. To think of ANYONE who is OVER a Century in age, who can even remember to get out of bed each morning, is most difficult, then along comes Mr.Sirimanne, who not only arises, he sits down to ...

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MAGGOT-MEMORIES” – by Des Kelly To begin with the customary Congratulations to the Australian of the year for 2023, Ms.Olympia  Yarger, who, among other creditable efforts, now adds the management of maggots, in a bid to the final effect of Climate-change, that our World is seeking at this very moment. Who would have thought that maggots would be necessary for this ultra-important task, and Australian maggots at that !!.  Anyway, if there is ANY Country that could boast accomplishnents of this calibre, believe me, AUSTRALIA CAN!!. Talking about Aussie-Mags., my memories of these little insects come from one of my MANY experiences as an Ordinary Australian Man or O.A.M., (call me what you will), & I have been called other ‘names’ as well, being the ultimate “No problem” type of volunteer, willing to take on ANY type of job for the purpose of earning this little bit of extra money, ...

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