First Christmas tree – by Des Kelly

First Christmas tree – by Des Kelly

First Christmas tree – by Des Kelly

Something entirely different for our many thousands of avid readers.

A good Christmas story, if ever there was one. To the original Scribe whose name is Dennis Dullewe and of course, Keith Bennett, I proffer my thanks.

Also, thank you, Charmaine Gunatilleke, for the beautiful picture of a Christmas tree, actually the first that most of us will see, as Christmas is still about a month away.

It is what Dennis wrote, that interested me, and I am positive, will interest most e’Lanka readers.

I will not keep you good people in any suspence, but, like Covid, Satan is still around, as Dennis points out, and we have to be very careful, or end up in a place where climate change has reached it’s zenith and worse still, will always remain very very hot.I am beginning to feel a bit thirsty, even as I write this introduction, so let us now hark the warning of Dennis Dullewe.


Des. (Mr.Music)Kelly.


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