“THE GUITAR” – By Des Kelly
Written by one of my favourite guitarists himself, the late, great Les Paul, who built his own instrument to prove that he could accomplish greater deeds in his own music-instrumentation, that was almost impossible in his day & age. Les Paul was born in 1915 & died in 2009, at 94 years of age.
He was considered to be one of the finest guitar-pickers, long before he decided to invent his very OWN brand of beautiful instrument. The rest is Musical history. Two of my favourite guitarists
have always been Chester (Chet) Atkins and Les Paul. Both have their individual styles of playing the guitar, both on the too rung, as far as I was concerned. I an a self-taught guitarist as well & have played both rhythm & lead for years until, due to ankylosin spondylitis, unfortunately I had
to stop. As a youngster, I was rarely seen without a guitar slung across my back, simply because I loved the instrument, & idolized both Chet & Les., God rest their souls.
Desmond Kelly. (Mr.Music).
(Editor-in-Chief)… e’Lanka.