Obituary – Sampath Ratnatunga (September 8, 1958 – January 15, 2021) – by Lawrence Machado Vale dear friend and classmate Sampath Ratnatunga, whom I knew for more than 55 years, starting from our early days at kindergarten at St Peter’s College. Friends also knew you as Sammy and Sam. In Sri Lanka, you worked in the travel trade for years, including KLM, but later in Melbourne, you completely changed professions, becoming a professional massage therapist, running your own business, Pascoe Vale Sports and Remedial Massage Therapy from your home, until a few years ago, healing and helping hundreds of people. You then showed your dedication to the medical field by donating your body for medical science. Like many of your friends, I cannot believe you are gone and won’t be there for our regular chats about anything which catches our fancy: from family and friends, to sharing a virtual drink, ...