Much has been written, spoken & watched, about the tragic burning down of the pride of Paris, and indeed, the World, the Notre Dame Cathedral, very recently. 

Although this stupendous building has been “damaged” many years ago and rebuilt to the perfection that it has known, since this time, however, very sadly, indeed, this magnificent Cathedral is now almost beyond repair.

     Yes, we do realize that, with the millions and perhaps billions of dollars being donated by dozens of wealthy people from around the Globe, The Notre Dame Cathedral will come into being, once again, as the French President has already stated, in five years time. There is no reason to doubt this, and although it is a most optimistic statement, the fact of the matter is that, especially in the case of the glorious stained-glass windows (three of them), that melted in the heat and then were blown into smithereens, I really do not see THEM replaced in five hundred years, leave alone five. Those “Rose-Windows” can never be replaced.

Oh, yes, new replacements WILL come in, with totally less 

historical significance than the original ones.


     Because of the diligence of some Cathedral Staff, Emergency, Police & Fire brigade Personnel, many irreplaceable items were thankfully saved from being burnt to ashes. Priceless works of art, and, in my opinion, the MOST IMPORTANT RELIC IN THE UNIVERSE OF TODAY, 

the tragic Crown of Thorns, as worn by our Saviour, JESUS CHRIST, together with an original piece of the actual wooden CROSS on which HE died to save all mankind, HAS BEEN SAVED, thank God. The Crown of Thorns was attached to the piece of the Cross, and I believe, there was also an original “steel nail” that pierced the feet of Jesus, but, whether they found that or not is not certain.


     What I am completely perplexed about is the reason, 

WHY, in Heaven’s name, was there NO preventative measures taken to stop this huge fire from destroying the entire building ?. Millions of dollars spent on renovations, re-painting, fixing, perhaps, of various items that needed repairing, but NOBODY even suggesting that there might be the need of a “Sprinkler-System” of some sort, right around the Cathedral, both inside and out, so that IF A FIRE STARTED, this system would immediately come into play and thereby LESSEN the damage, and even HELP the Fire Brigade to extinguish the flames more easily. 


     It is still not known why or how this fire started. It really does not matter anymore. Those “Rose-Windows” might well have been saved, together with other sections of the tower, if someone over there remembered this most important phrase. “PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE”

My advice to those who will now rebuild the Notre Dame is,

Spend a few million dollars, if you must, on an excellent preventative measure for the new NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL, and for the OTHER hundreds of Important Buildings around this World of ours, please take my advice and do the same thing. We have the technicians who can achieve an elaborate system such as this, without it being visible to the naked eye, and, no-one will even notice that such a system even exists, until (God forbid), another fire starts,,then all will see that “PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE”

N.B. The latest (good) news is that, maybe the “Rose-Windows” may have survived the blaze in the tower of the Cathedral. If they have, it is indeed a miracle, because the tower in it’s entirety was destroyed. But then, God does work in strange ways, and, if so, Satan has won a battle, while the Almighty has won the war. Those WINDOWS could never have been replaced.  

Desmond Kelly

     Desmond Kelly.

   (Editor-in-Chief)— eLanka.

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