The Ivan Panin Story – By Des Kelly

The Ivan Panin Story – By Des Kelly

Ivan Nicolayevich Panin, was born on the 12th of December, 1855, in Russia, lived his teenage years, or most of them (until 18), in his Homeland, migrating to Germany in 1874, living there, for just 3 years, before migrating to America in 1878, where he lived his remarkable life as an extraordinary Philosopher until the 30th of October, 1942, when he died, after achieving World fame for discovering numeric patterns in the text of both the Hebrew & Greek Bibles, & his published works based on his subsequent research. When he passed on at age 86, in Aldershot, 
Ontario, Canada, among others, he was reputed to have written 26 “good-reads”, which is exactly what they were.

     Two dear friends, Siglinde & Russell recently sent me a book written by the  great man involved. The book is titled “THE SEAL OF GOD”, something that has to be read in detail, to fully understand the writing of a truly great Philosopher. I will read it, chapter by chapter, as thoroughly as I possibly can, as and when I can, because the numeric skills of Ivan Panin far outweigh the mathematical knowledge of this writer. Strange, as it may seen, my own grand-dad, Jack Kelly advised me many years ago, that even MUSIC was based on mathematical formulae.  He was somewhat of a genius at Maths., himself, and yet, this was my worst subject, during my rather brief College education. Anyway, I do believe, my friends, that “Education” is a lifelong process.

     “We live & learn”, as the famous phrase tells us, from womb to tomb, but, to get back to Siglinde & Russ’s concise letter to me on the very interesting “Subject” above, I am proud and happy to pass on to all eLanka readers, the “Ivan Panin” story, as written by them.

 “The Ivan Panin Story” as written by Siglinde & Russell Wolff

Ivan Panin was a Russian Scientist, a Maths., genius, an Agnostic. He decided to use his intellect to disprove the Bible, so, he began to study the Bible.
The Old Testament is written in Hebrew. Panin substituted letters for numbers, A=1,  B=2, and so on, and he found a perfect numerical pattern of sevens, elevens, & thirteens, flowing right through the Old Testament.
     Then he looked at the New Testament,  which is written in Greek, and he substituted letters for numbers and found a perfect numerical pattern in the New Testament, and both the Old & New Testament dovetailed perfectly, together.
     The probability of this happening by accident, or even by human design is totally impossible to the probability of a million times million to one.
     Panin was so taken with this, he became a Christian and spent the next forty years of his life studying the Bible.  He has written many books on the subject.
“The Shorter Works of Ivan Panin”& “The Ivan Panin edited version of the New Testament, to name just two.
The interesting thing to note, was when he began to examine the current texts of the Bible, he found three thousand mistakes in them, which is why he edited the Bible, using his perfect numerical formula.
It is interesting also, to note that the ” Apocrypha” in the Catholic Bible is not recognized by the Jews or Protestants, as Canon Law was thrown out of the Bible.
     The fact is, that if anyone changes the “Word”, the number is changed, and so is the numerical pattern.
Therefore, only the inspired Word, given by the Holy Spirit, is the true Word, and, no “Man-written texts” have, or would ever have “The Truth” in it.
     I hope you find this information interesting and informative. God bless.  Russell.

     I certainly do, Russ., & I am certain that all our eLanka readers will do, too.

Desmond Kelly.




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