The Ultimate Religion? – By Niranjan Selvadurai

The Ultimate Religion? – By Niranjan Selvadurai

The Ultimate Religion–By Niranjan Selvadurai

Niranjan-SelvaduraiCONTEXT:-  We are a Community, living in Australia, still having visible cultural ties with Sri Lanka. We are fortunate, that both Societies, the one in Sri Lanka, which we may remember with nostalgia, and the one “down under”, embrace persons of multiple faiths.

      This is a reflection on whether the Religious “name-tag” by which we are frequently identified by, is of much significance.



“Oh! Mighty God, the knower of all,

I implore thee to make one call,

Of the Religions, us humans enthrall

What is the noblest of them all?”


“The noblest one I cannot guess

What ‘Religion’ is I know even less

But my son, all noble sages stress

The value of humanity and kindness”


“Temples and churches, build them if you may,

Erect grand statues, place flowers and pray,

But, as gracious humanity slowly ebbs away

Son, say which Religion could save the day?”


“Your harmony with inclusiveness,

These worthy qualities, I always bless,

Yes, my son, all noble sages stress

The value of humanity and kindness”


(Image: prayer multi faith by Jeremy Timothy


Niranjan Selvadurai 

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