BIBLE FOR THE BLIND – By Lakshman Navaratne
“All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.”
John 10:8
The light that shines in the Darkness was removed from Adam, the first son of God, love so amazing, was returned to mankind on the day of Pentecost!
So, anyone reading the bible without the Helper sent upon humanity is spiritually Blind to the living word. Apostle Paul, wrote to the Corinthians: “letter kills, Spirit gives life”.
2 Corinthians 3:6, “who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”
Many Jewish leaders were religious, but they did not know or have seen the God they worship. This shall be the Judaism practiced by the Jews, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Not different to today’s Christianity practiced by pious religious priests, elders, leaders and theologians of hundreds of derivative-denominations emerged from the days of Christ, claiming their roots to the Apostles of Christ.[B]
The bible records a second resurrection for all humanity. Revelation 20:6. “Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.”
Apostle Paul was educated and well versed in Judaism, yet became blind to see the truth of Christ.
After his Baptism of Pentecost, Christ, his Savior was alive in him. From then on Paul was led by the Spirit of Pentecost.
This is the same Baptism, each one of us receive only once in our life time, as the seed of faith from the day of Pentecost.
This is the same Baptism Jesus received at the age of 30, from his Eternal Father at the Jordon River, preparing him for the promise for mankind, the “will” of his Father. This is to fulfil the prophecy of our redemption in Genesis, after the fall of Adam.
Since his Baptism, Jesus operated in complete obedience to his Father, to lay his life down for the salvation of mankind.
39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament was the work of 40 Hebrew servants led by the Spirit of Pentecost.
So, the old Judaism of the people of God was replaced by the New Judaism preached and practiced by 3 billion humans on earth today!
If any human, living on earth today, proclaims with their mouth that Jesus is Lord and believes in their heart that he arose from the dead, will have a free shot at the new earth prepared for the faithful.
Romans 10:9, “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”
This shall be the second resurrection shown to Apostle John, the destiny of those who believe, humans were made from the created dust, in the image of our Maker, and not a species evolved from the soil of the earth! [B]
This is the same ingredient, “Faith”, our first parents lost in the Paradise Garden. This was nearly 6000 years of Chronos, from our time on earth.
The antidote for the lost warranty was poured out on 3000 humans from all nations in the year 33 AD.[B]
All humans born of Adam, since 4000 BC, to the arrival of Christ, were blind to the Salvation project prepared for humanity, ordained by our Maker, before the worlds were framed.
Why blind?
When Adam was removed from Paradise Garden, our Maker placed a sword (Word) oscillating, and a curtain to block the entry to eternity, this is the replica of the holy of holies given to Moses, only the high priest was able to visit only once a year, with a blood sacrifice.
{to my Siblings I write; Pease read my Testimony. [A], to all humanity I write: please listen to my blog “Cain and Abel”. [B] }
Genesis 3:24, “He drove out the man; and He placed a cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.”
When Jesus died on the cross, the bible declares: the curtain of temple, separated, and anyone who believes the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, their sins are pardoned.
Matthew 27:51, “Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, 52 and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; 53 and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many.”
So, unless the Maker of humanity opens our eyes, tunes our ears, renew our minds, transform our blood to His own as in the beginning, before the ingredient “Faith” was removed from our first parents, humanity shall be still Blind to the written word (The 66 books of the Bible). [A]
Though my forefathers were born in the third world, where humanity flourished through an act declared in Genesis as “transposed humans to every corner of the globe”, to comply to our Makers’ will, to confuse the language of men, to prevent equality with him.
Bible records the actions of Cain, was the beginning of Philosophy and theology of the gods of this world, wisdom of humans, angels separated on the first day of “Logos”. [B]
1000 years after Adam: Genesis 11:8,” So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. 9 Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.”
[this is how my srilankan blood originality connects to Adam, I did not come from the “Balangoda” man as recorded in my culture.]
This is a repetition of his “Will”, to separate the rebellious angels of Light as “Darkness”, on the first day of creation!
This is only, my experience with the Bible of the Jews. The whole Bible belongs to the Hebrew nation, we Gentiles are adopted through a re-born spirit as children of our Maker.
I was born to religion of my parents, lived religiously convinced that Jesus the Jew, is the son of God!
Not until I was 45 years of age, I received my Baptism of Pentecost, my Eyes were open, I was blind no more? [A]
The seed of Faith, from the day of Pentecost was lodged in my Heart, beginning the process of sanctification.
The religion our forefathers embraced, through colonial encroachment, was removed from my heart.
Today, I am 77 years old, the tiny seed of faith, I embraced is now a tree bearing fruit.
The day you are baptized with the seed of faith, is the day you begin to hear the voice of the Author of the 66 books of the Bible.
This is the “Helper”, Jesus promised his disciples!
Chronological time-line of our makers’ Salvation Process for humanity:
The “Helper” sent upon all nations of the earth (Humanity) on the day of Pentecost (approximately 33 AD.) is Still on earth operating in the fulness of grace, in the faithful generation “the living Body of Christ”. [B]
The Bible declares in Genesis: Adam lived for 930 years and died.
Recalculating as declared genealogy of the life of Jacob (Israel), in the book of genesis, points the arrival of Adam to approximately, 4000 years before Christ!
1000 years after Adam, Noah and the great Flood, scattering of humans to every part of the globe is declared as the land mark event, the tower of Babbel.
Humans were transposed to every corner of the globe.
European and Middle-eastern history records, the beginning of human’s civilization. The rest of the world had their own dynasties.
2000 years after Adam, through a man named Abram, our Maker begins the promised project “Jesus”.
The Arabs and the Jews were the two nations rooted to Abram. So, they were two nations called out to compete for supremacy. Until this day they are in conflict.
For 400 years, the Israelites, were slaves in Egypt, reveals to a “Christian” with the baptism of Pentecost, Egypt represent the kingdoms of men. At that time of the world, it was the kings of Babylon.
Only the bible has a logical explanation, how mankind was in all the continents of the globe!
1500 BC, Moses, a servant of our Maker, was used to deliver the Israelites to a promised land, the Exodus.
1000 years before Christ, the servant David was used to establish a Kingdom on earth for the people of God.
950 BC. The bible declares, son of David, Solomon was used to build a magnificent temple for the creator of mankind to manifest on earth.
This temple was destroyed in 586 BC, and the Jews were in captivity for the next 400 years by the kings of this world, the Medes and the Persians.
The Greek period of Alexander the Great began in 330 BC, Hellenizing the Hebrews to their ways,
The Greek period lasted until 70 BC, and the Romans became the rulers of humanity in the European continent.
While the Europeans were fighting for supremacy, humans were thriving all over the globe, in their own dynasties.
The period of 0 -33 AD years, was the beginning of BCE. The arrival of the “holy one”, prophesized as the Messiah of the Jews, and for all nations of the earth.
Jesus and his Apostles began “New Judaism”, new way to eternity after the day of Pentecost.
Today in the year 2025, the faithful to Christ, Christianity, the sovereign Creator of mankind operating on earth in the hearts of humanity!
So, for Christians, the name “Jesus” is God operating in the human!
Jesus declared to his Apostles; the kingdom of God is in you.
There are no priests or hierarchy in the faithful resurrected body of Christ!
We are all servants of the sovereign God.
Matthew 23: 9,” Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. 10 And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ. 11 But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
You should not call anyone on earth Father as you have only one father in heaven.
Forgiveness for the wickedness of man’s heart is instantly washed away, through the acceptance of the free gift of faith poured upon humanity on the day of Pentecost.
This is our only Baptism!
So, the Apostles began the true faithful Church of Christ. The message was practiced and preached throughout the minor Asia, where the Apostles initiated seven churches representing the seven spirits comprising the Spirit of God.
Isaish 11:2, “The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.
Thousands of human hearts received the free gift of salvation.
Nations around Minor Asia, including Jerusalem as the heart of the Gospel-activity.
As Christianity spread like a wild fire among the neighboring nations, Romans were the rulers, with their Pagon, philosophy.
The Romans, followed the Greek mythology-philosophy, the Jews were subdued of their worshiping their God in their temples, yet Jesus and his Apostles were a part of their religious activities.
Only, after the death and resurrection of Jesus, the new Judaism was called the “New Way”, and they were the followers of the way of Christ.
After 70 AD the Jewish temple was destroyed by the Romans, since then, there were no need for Priests, as the animal sacrifice was discontinued without a temple.
Until the year 300 AD, with all the persecution of the followers of Christ, the numbers of faithful to Christ grew very fast.
A Pagon emperor of Rome, whose mother was a follower of Christ, hijacked the Apostolic Church with man-made doctrines to accommodate the Pagon world. [B]
Before the Roman Empire, the Greeks, with their sophisticated weapons, mutilated the nations around them, conquered their lands, all the way far as India.
When the Greeks were defeated, all the conquered land became the Roman empire.
The Roman rule began with Pompey 63 BC, lasting till 110 AD. In 63 BC. Pompey conquered Jerusalem and with some of his soldiers walked into the holy of holies, to break up the Hasmonean dynasty, where the Jews were a powerful source in that region. Although they did not touch any of the furnishings, they alienated the Jews, who never forgave Pompey. About 12000 Jews died during this siege of Jerusalem. Julius Caeser 63-44 B.C.P Octavian Caeser 44-27 BC, Agustus Caeser 27 BC – 14 AD- Time of Birth of Jesus. Then in those days of Herod the king, behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?” Matthew 2:1-2, also Matthew 2:6.
Many Jewish leaders were religious, but they did not know or have seen the God they worship. This shall be the Judaism practiced by the Jews, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Not different to today’s Christianity practiced by pious religious priests, elders, leaders and theologians of hundreds of derivative denominations emerged, claiming their roots to the Apostles of Christ.
2 Corinthians 4:4, “whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.”
The rapture of the faithful, shall separate the gods of this world. [B]
The bible records a second resurrection for all humanity. Revelation 20:6.
Jesus explained this moment for all nations of the world in Mattew 25: 31 to 46. The goats separated from the Sheep!
Tiberius Caeser 14AD-37 AD, time of the death of Jesus, Claudius 41AD – 54 AD, Nero 54-68 AD, Vespasian 69-79 AD, Jerusalem Destroyed, Titus 79-81 AD, Domitian 81-96 AD, Apostle John exiled to Patmos and John writes the book of Revelation,
Finally, Trajan 98 -117 AD, persecutes the Apostolic Church, and martyred all the Apostles of Christ. The apostolic church was hidden in the hearts of the faithful, for fear of the Roman-Church marriage.
300-600 AD, Emperor Constantine, hijacks Christianity and declares Christianity as the official religion of the empire.
638- 1099AD, fall of Rome to Moslem regimes. Jerusalem surrenders to Moslem conquerors, the holy sea of the Roman theologians continued as the Church.
1100 – 1244 the Crusade period, led by the holy see, Muslims and Jews not permitted to live in Jerusalem, churches built
1250- 1500 AD Mamluk period (Egypt) in 1350 Blak Plague killed 1/3 of the European population and ½ of the Jews population died.
1517 -1917 Turkish ottoman Period.
December 9, 1917 -400 years of ottoman rule in Jerusalem ended.
1948 British mandate to award land as a home for the Jews.
Since the 300 – 1517 AD, the apostolic church, the way of the Apostles was suppressed and not visible to the world.
1500 AD, the reformation was the re-introduction of the Apostles work.
The bible records the genealogy of Israel to the first human Adam.
To the descendants of Adam, this link to their first father is not a reality (Blind), until they receive the baptism of Pentecost. This was the same baptism Jesus received from his Father, at Jordon River at the age of 30.
These are the nine gifts of the spirit “wisdom of God”, revealed and documented, in the letter of Paul to the 1 Corinthians 12:7, “ But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.
This is the Helper sent upon humanity on the day of Pentecost, operating at this current hour on planet earth as the resurrected body of Christ.
No single deity, Philosopher, theologian or genius-intellect have a part in our redemption!
Every human born of Adam must be reborn of Christ to receive at least the gift of Faith to begin the process of our redemption. [A] [B]
Today, Hundreds of reformed groups of Christianity are tirelessly working to bring back true meaning of forgiveness preached and practiced by the Apostles of Christ.
No apostle of Christ called themselves priests or reverends. They were all servants of the people they served. This was the way of Christ. [B]
Reference [A] 66 Bones That Saw No Decay – Lucky N Xulon press 2018
Reference [B]