GLORIOUS PATH FOR THE G-RACE – By Lakshman Navaratne   JOHN 14:6, JESUS “I AM THE WAY, TRUTH AND LIFE Bible Hub Re-installing Grace in Humanity This is where humanity arrived, and today we have lived on this planet earth for almost 7000 years of chronological time. Genesis 2:1,” Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. 2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.” Revealed to the faithful; Man with a SOUL, was the last and the final perfection of all his creation and nothing was made after the sixth day of creation. This means the Planet earth is the only “Physical Heaven” ...

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SONGS OF PRAISE – Jesus Loves Me – By Charles Schokman “Jesus loves me – this I know, For the Bible tells me so: If you have been a Christian for very long, then you have probably heard the famous children’s song, “Jesus Loves Me.” It is played in most churches and Christian homes across the world. Have you ever wondered about its origin or the author’s story?  Two sisters, Anna and Susan Warner, became writers after their father passed away. They were left with very little and needed the means to survive. Both women became quite the writers, with Susan publishing several well-known novels and Anna publishing collections of hymns. They lived together on the Hudson River in New York. Their house was next to a military academy for young boys, so they soon began to teach the Bible at the Academy. They spent many years teaching the boys ...

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SUNDAY CHOICE – NO NEVER ALONE – by Charles Schokman God never promised it would be easy, But He did promise we would Never Be Alone. God never gave us a road map. Never gave us a how-to-manual, a list of instructions, a set of definite plans. Never said He’d monitor our every footstep, our every decision, our every turn. He never said He’d control us to the point that we couldn’t take steps on our own. Never promised all carefree days, without any struggle or pain.   But what He did promise was His son’s sacrifice for us—a promise that no matter what we faced, no matter what fear may cloud our minds, no matter where we go or how far we wander from His loving arms—we will never be alone. God never promised it would be easy. He never said that our days would be open and filled with light and ...

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SUNDAY CHOICE – Does Jesus love me? – by Charles Schokman Many people have wondered if Jesus really loves them. The Bible is clear that no matter what we have done, Jesus does love us. In fact, He promises to both forgive us of every wrong we have done and provide us eternal life if only we will believe in Him: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Romans 5:8 says, “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Before we were even born, God sent His only Son, Jesus, to die on our behalf to give us the opportunity for eternal life. This amazing gift comes to us because of His wonderful grace toward us: “It is by grace you ...

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SUNDAY CHOICE  –  What does it mean to be born again? – by Charles Schokman How can you be “ born again” if you are already living? What does born again mean? What happens when you become born again? Being born again doesn’t mean a physical rebirth; it’s a spiritual one. It refers to a change of heart—from indifference or hostility toward God to a love for Him and a desire to live out His best for us. But how does this happen? First, we have to understand our currant human condition. There’s a problem we all face, and Jesus said it begins in our hearts. The problem is something called sin, which means to miss the mark—to fail to do what we ought to do. Whether we realise it or not, we strive to fix this problem ourselves—to somewhat compensate for it or push it out of our minds, yet there’s ...

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SUNDAY CHOICE  Old Friends are Best—They remind us of who we are. A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. “No one would argue that things like water, food, and shelter are requirements for humans to thrive, but could the same argument be made about friendship? There’s no question that God created us for relationships, and friendship is one of the most critical connections we make with others. From our earliest moments, friends profoundly impact our attitudes and behavior. Friendship is an essential part of life. True friendship is one of the sweetest things in life. Friends are chosen family; they cheer us on through discouraging seasons, celebrate with us on coyest occasions, and lift our heads and hearts like no one else can. Life’s special moments are made brighter by the presence of  our dearest friends. Whether you’re looking for advice on strengthening your current ...

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The Four “Modern” Horsemen of the Apocalypse. – By Noor Rahim The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are among the most dramatic images, as illustrated in the Bible. Described by the apostle John in Revelation 6:1-8, the four horsemen are graphic symbols for the destruction that will come to the earth during the end times (- from Google Search): The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are dramatic and symbolic warnings of the death and destruction to occur at the end of days. The four riders represent conquest, the violence of warfare, famine, and widespread death. The four horsemen ride on a white, red, black, and pale horse. These are well known Prophesies in the Holy Bible; and are these becoming a reality is a question that we should pose to ourselves. The four riders represent conquest, the violence of warfare, famine, and widespread death. Just compare the 4 ...

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SUNDAY CHOICE – Lovely singing from Africa – Abide with me The dictionary definition of abide has several uses of the verb: “to remain; continue; stay”, “to have one’s abode; dwell; reside”, “to put up with; tolerate”, “to endure, sustain, or withstand without yielding or submitting”, and “to wait for; await”.  In the Bible, the word takes on a greater intimacy, and is often used to show the need to rely on the Lord in every aspect of one’s life. So abiding is about being in a place where one remains close, where a relationship is sustained, and there can be an element of waiting as well.  The sense of dwelling and enduring is one that is seen often in the Bible as well. There is also an element of not abiding with sin or the sinful in the Bible as well. There are many places in the Bible where one ...

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SUNDAY CHOICE – God forgive Me for my many sins beautifully sung by our own Gary Ellis Let’s face it: Forgiving others (and yourself) is sometimes easier said than done. However, it doesn’t have to be. So the next time you find yourself feeling hurt by someone’s actions or overwhelmed with frustration over a situation that occurred, turn to the Bible  for advice. That way, you won’t start to feel all the negative side effects from the stress of those situations on your mind, body and soul. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.– 1 John 1:9. Pray this song of confession will be a blessing to you. God forgive Me for my many sins Ease my troubled mind place of peace within Guide my feet so I can walk with thee And if I hurt someone ...

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