The Four “Modern” Horsemen of the Apocalypse. – By Noor Rahim

The Four “Modern” Horsemen of the Apocalypse. – By Noor Rahim

The World in Turmoil – Ecologically; Spiritually; Economically; and Politically - By Noor Rahim

NOOR R. RAHIMThe Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are among the most dramatic images, as illustrated in the Bible. Described by the apostle John in Revelation 6:1-8, the four horsemen are graphic symbols for the destruction that will come to the earth during the end times (- from Google Search):

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

  • The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are dramatic and symbolic warnings of the death and destruction to occur at the end of days.
  • The four riders represent conquest, the violence of warfare, famine, and widespread death.
  • The four horsemen ride on a white, red, black, and pale horse.

These are well known Prophesies in the Holy Bible; and are these becoming a reality is a question that we should pose to ourselves.

The four riders represent conquest, the violence of warfare, famine, and widespread death.

Just compare the 4 aspects that is now centre-stage in the World of ours today; and don’t you see what the Human Race is enacting in front of our very eyes as a regular and day to day happening?

The World today seems to be deeply embroiled in woeful catastrophes – some made by us human beings or should one say MOST created by us human beings; and some through Natural Phenomena like Pandemics through the ravages of Mother Nature and of course gruesome human atrocities of humans cruelty to each other. Yes!

Unfortunately, the common denominator are we – the human beings who nonchalantly keep killing Mother Nature as well as killing each other like demented savages.

The human race remains unconcerned in the taunting of the “Fates”.

Living only for the day, in fulfilling their avarice & greedy wants that now appears to be part of their lives in the current times, with the World struggling in a shroud of economic woes. In addition there are the retards planning to execute their misguided evil thoughts on the innocent populace; with total disrespect for innocent human beings.

Mighty Nations craving for greed of power, using smaller Nations, as Guinea pigs and or as pawns in their “Game of World Dominance”. Yes! Brazenly used for such purposes, is what one can reasonably assume; while they languish in their own Mighty Countries in safety and in gay abandon; as the perpetration & devastation of other countries go on unabated. The current confrontation does not see any sign of easing. Has any of the Nations ever spoken of bringing about “Peace” between the warring Nations? And as to the Untied Nation Organization, one cannot hear a “peep” or “murmur” coming out of them, to remedy the situation. The question that comes to mind under this situation is – is this Organization required & if so what seems to be their purpose? Or is it just one of those Socialite gatherings at the expense of the populace of the individual countries that are members of this Organization?

The irony of the raging war that is ongoing is the continuous supply/flow of arms, ammunition and other devastating/decapitating weapons of war to the belligerents. Most of these weaponry may be obsolescent or newer ones that are being “tested out” in battle conditions for experimental purposes. One can just imagine the human suffering of the populace and the carnage/devastation of Property from these devastating unleashing. This has also created and contributed to the “Refugee Problem”; that the World is faced with today. The same way that they are falling over each other to provide weapons of destruction is not seen in their enthusiasm to provide aid to the affected Civilian Populace of the affected country. Meanwhile the UNHR (The United Nations Refugee Agency) is in the forefront, soliciting funds to alleviate the down trodden refugees. Shouldn’t the “Warring” Parties and their cohorts be held responsible and pay for the reparations? As to bringing Peace between the warring parties, by the UNO (United Nations Organization), appears to be a far off cry. What a glaring travesty it is.

That could cover the areas of two Horsemen – Conquest & The violence of warfare. The other two being – Famine & Widespread disease; for which the explanation follows.

The whole world is in the throes of food shortages and gross needs in medical/other life sustaining requirements, in the world today. Why is this sudden debacle for people in facing this impending/untold hardship, leading to starvation & diceases? For one thing we as human beings are very guilty of destroying Mother Nature and the very Mother Nature that sustains us. This ironically is done in the name of “Development & Economic Benefit of the Country”. Yes! We are very guilty of raping the forests (flora & fauna); the water resources (waterways & oceans); the earth’s minerals; and the air & skies above; without in as much as the blinking of an eyelid. As the old tale goes – “Killing the goose that laid the Golden Egg”. Into this melee comes the ill effects of conflicts and wars that causes all agricultural projects to a definitive halt; thus adding to the concept of famine.

Then comes widespread diseases – pandemics & pestilence. Some caused by medical experiments gone awry; some through weapons of mass destruction; and yet others through sheer negligence/ignorance. Though most such disasters are attributed to Nature; one must consider what role the human has played or subscribed to compound the malady, in its’ aggravation & spread. In addition one needs to ask oneself – Are we as humans off-setting such setbacks by creating antidotes that overcome Natures’ way of natural healing and weakening our “Immune Systems”? If so would this be a case of the “Remedy being worse than the cure”? This deduction I leave in the hands of the learned Reader.

Finally the 4th Horseman denoting that no matter the colour, class and creed, we are altogether involved and equally/collectively responsible for the happenings/situations we have create. One can only think back to

Sir Isaac Newton’s 3rd “Law of Motion” which states – “That for every action, there is an equal & opposite reaction”; which is intended for  Engineering Studies/purposes; is undoubtedly also applicable to every action we take in our normal chores in daily life and is so very appropriate in this matter of disasters.

So, the assumption would be, that these attributes leads one to the fact that the causes of the woes in the World today are mostly created by our own selves. The reasoning/explanation would be to simplify our ways of life; and not to satisfy our selfish desires and egos, at the expense of other human beings and Mother Nature. In summary it would mean that we ourselves are living and behaving like “The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse”. These Worldly happenings brings to my mind the vivid and meaningful lesson taught me in School over 75 years ago – “Mankind will kill Nature; and Nature will kill Mankind one day”. Which of course one did not care to pay attention to, at that stage of our childhood. I have now lived to learn the truth of this life’s important lesson, through experience and time; and hopefully the World takes cognizance of what’s transpired and take the necessary steps in stopping this disastrous slide that’s taking place in reality and in plain sight. Holding conferences by Governmental Bodies at World Level, is just a mere façade; what we need is draconian steps and in-depth educational programmes for the masses, to prevent further deterioration and for the restoration and prevention of further detrimental damage to our Mother Earth. Don’t go exploring other “Planets” that are habitable/liveable; but spend the monies to improve our own planet to its’ pristine glory.

Utilize those funds to find ways and means of overcoming this imminent threat to Mother Earth and its’ inhabitants; and let’s all get “together” in unison to solving the problem; and leaving this “Earth” a wonderful haven for the future generations.

Noor Rahim

October 21, 2022

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