Ginger has proved anti-cancer properties

Ginger has proved anti-cancer properties

Written by Dr Harold Gunatillake-Health writer

It is true that ginger used in Sri Lankan curries has a delightful taste when used sufficiently, but it is not freely used as in Japanese cuisines. Japanese wouldn’t touch Sushi without ginger pickling on the side of the plate. Pickled ginger is called gari or amazu shoga in Japanese. It’s served with sushi or sashimi and eaten between different kinds of sushi. It helps to clean your taste buds and enhance the flavors. Sliced young ginger roots are well boiled in water, then drained twice, and boiled again after adding vinegar and maple syrup. That’s how Japanese eat it between eating sushi. Never place the ginger slices on the sushi as it is against Japanese table etiquette.
Sri Lankans seem to slice ginger bought from the market, crushed or cut into small segments and added with the spices when curries are cooked.

Ginger is considered a natural medicine in most Asian traditions.
Ginger extracts are used to decrease symptoms of motion sickness, especially sea-sickness. It is taken for feelings of dizziness, nausea, vomiting and supposed to be better than Dramamine, a drug used to treat symptoms of motion sickness.

Recent research has shown that ginger kills breast cancer stem cells. Cancer cells spread through the stem cells into other areas, and also relapse with time. In most situations these stem cells have been shown resistance to numerous chemotherapy drugs.
According to the research in the online medical journal PloS One, ginger seems to destroy cancer stem cells. Ginger has many substances that have been found to kill stem cells and interfere with further progress. Ginger contains the anti-cancer compound known as gingerois and 6-shogaol.These chemicals seem to prevent cancer stem cells growing and multiplying.

Tinctures extracts have been mixed with alcohol called Tincture gingiberris and have been used in dispensed mixtures for stomach ailments. The ingredient that gives relief to the digestive system is called “gingerol” Gingerol is supposed to have anti-inflammatory properties and gives relief in arthritic ailments.
It is also used as a drink ginger-ale to reduce nausea, abdominal pains and upset stomachs. According to the medical dictionary Ginger means “nutrition”, and Ale means “medicinal”
Locally brewed coconut arrack in Sri Lanka seems to go well with bottled Ginger-ale from the super-market. Unfortunately, most super-markets don’t seem to stock the Ale but only the ginger beer.
Ginger contains a compound “zingibain” which clinically shown to have antibacterial properties and used for colds and flu remedies.

A cocktail made of a few drops of gin with honey, lemon and ginger seems to clear nocturnal dry coughs when having upper respiratory infections.
For cancer prevention ginger is recommended in soups, stews, stir-fries, vegetable or meat dishes and desserts.

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