Harendra Jayalal an accomplished news anchor in Swarnavahni, Program presenter, Media trainer, Lecturer, Founder of best choice tours and travels (pvt) Ltd, Best voice media and language Academy, owner of Harendra Jayalal official you tube channel – by Sunil Thenabadu
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Harendra Jayalal begun in a newspaper ,radio, then television now abundantly involved in social media platforms. Harendra has recently commenced a registered media institution in the Dubai nation in mid 2023 where the laws are very rigorous and stringent, within which all administration and all the work are on his shoulders in which he is presently occupied mostly. In May 2023 Harendra had visited Dubai to conduct a program after which was entrusted to execute two other programs.Having seen his talents a businessman owning a digital media company had approached him to request to assist him in consultation work which Harendra had accepted with delight again this opportunity too had come by through sheer coincidence as everything in Harendra’s life had befallen.
Possess a degree in Bachelor of Arts and a Masters degree in Mass communication A person who changed the routine news anchor pattern in all television channels. A native Watareka, Meegoda born to humble parents was handicapped ruthlessly when his father died when he was only seven years old, studied initially in Liyanwela primary school in Padukka, had been an extremely intelligent student. Though his school was to be changed the school authorities had objected when he was in the third standard as he was identified as a bright student in class. However, was admitted to Piyarathana Madhya Vidyalaya Padukka for his secondary education. During his tenure Harendra had been granted a double promotion as such he had navigated over the ordinary level examination as a private student at the age of only fifteen years .After which having excelled in the four subjects in the advanced level with two ‘D’’s one ‘B’ and a ‘C’ had entered the Jayewardenepura university to pursue a Bachelor of Arts degree. During this period Jayalal had wanted to be proficient in English had enrolled in the Rotary for an English course. In the same building had been housed a newspaper office ‘Sandarenu’. On a day when the English class was delayed via a sheer coincidence had walked into this newspaper office. Though Harendra has had innate talent but not hereditary for writing skills he had not known much about it. But he had been used to compile verses in Sinhala had sent to his mother’s sister through mother’s letters. In this manner Harendra had fascinated expressing in writing letters via verses. Most of Harendra’s triumphs in his life, he had conveyed as via sheer unconventional behaviours particularly through sheer coincidences or flukes which he himself had emphasised. After he stepped into the newspaper office, he was entrusted by Pradeep Kumara Balasuriya to write. At the age of only nineteen he was asked to compile articles when the newspaper company commenced a women’s newspaper. Having the unique ability to find attractive captions to articles made him to be a blooming and thriving journalist. Another exclusive talent Harendra possessed was to use similar words to captions which gave the readers an impetus to read the articles .While he was excelling in this field Harendra had seen an advertisement calling for vacancies in a new radio channel ‘Lakhanda’ with the quote for those between 18 and 24 who have the ability to extend from a needle to the space could apply. Harendra was again via sheer quirk was selected to the first batch of the “Lakhanda” radio particularly for his knowledge in the language than the screen test. Incidentally all applicants had been asked to read a script. One word was incorrect which was only detected by Harendra who had substituted the incorrect word with the correct word.When the invigilators questioned him on this Harendra had said he inserted the correct word. The panel had even contacted a university don to verify that word who had said Harendra’s substituted word was absolutely correct. Hence, he was an obvious choice to be selected over his voice for his enormous competency in the Sinhalese vernacular. Harendra had quipped that up to that day he had never spoken into a mike. He recollects that at the first audition when he was asked to speak he had blown into the mike three times. Those in the studio had got alarmed thinking whether a snake had entered.
Lakhanda had recruited him for his writing skills which Harendra had disliked. The payments were a meagre sum only rupees nineteen for an hour a maximum was six hours a very paltry sum then over twenty years ago, which had been increased subsequently. While attending to writing skills he was asked whether he liked to read news in the studio. When Harendra agreed, he was told to collect some important news and to go to the studio and relate it while the main news reader was achieving his news. Harendra was used to capture news items from ‘Muthuhara’ ,Vidusha newspapers edit and present to impress which Harendra had in his plasma. These news items he was entrusted to include in the main news bulletins of the ‘Lakhanda’. While he contributed in this fashion the higher ups knew he was capable having something upstairs in store. One day all senior presenters had to attend to a wedding of a colleague which paved to the way for Harendra to perform. The same night there had been a songs program to which too Harendra had consented like a duck taking to water.From then onwards Harendra was rostered for many programs in the ‘Lakhanda’ radio channel. This too Harendra attributed to as via a fluke as happened to him in many phases in life.
Then Harendra had applied to Swarnavahini via an advertisement was interviewed by Hema Nalin Karunaratne. After his triumph in selection owing to his competency , Hema Nalin Karunaratne had loudly uttered to the Director of News Rosmand Senaratne, Jackson Anthony Wasanthi Nanayakkara, Manusha Nanayakkara, Sahan Ranwala that he found an ideal guy to the news unit…Harendra’s first ‘live’ he had accomplished to meticulousness and to precision. There had been a suggestion that they had wanted a person to translate the English News to Sinhalese, to which too his name was suggested though not close at all to his liking mainly it was very foreign to Harendra. This had made Harendra to deliberate and think over. He was asked to translate English ‘Sky’ news to Sinhalese an impossible task to him then. It was a tedious task as to translate even a line as it had to be heard many times with head phones. However to his amazement what Harendra translated was accepted as flawless. Harendra had afterwards translated in addition to ‘Sky’ the Enhglish CNN and BBC news to Sinhalese which made him the Foreign news Editor before he was made the news editor of Swarnavahini in year 2008.Where the responsibilities were gigantic making rosters in addition to making the contents also recruiting .It was in year 2010 he had solely responsible in selecting Thilini Perera among three hundred applicants which proved to be an superlative selection. Harendra thus had the innate ability to take up any challenge which all novices should emulate if needed to climb the hierarchy up to stardom as a celebrity. As Soma Edirisinghe too hailed from the same village in Watareka in Meegoda many had pondered as to the duo were related, but has had no connection at all.
It is Harendra who made news reading at Swarnavahini very distinctive unlike the monotonous manner news were read by all channels. It is Harendra who rejuvenated the news reading in native Sri Lanka television channels, to make the listeners more fascinated paying interested attention. He wanted to revolutionize the news to obviously to feel to the hearts of people than to their minds to make them animated like relating a story rather than, just conveying news by reading only. Making the listeners feel bored was disliked initially was in Harendra’s memory. He started to know the language and the presentation was a better tool similar to the news readers in CNN, SKY and BBC. Harendra was one unique presenter who like in normal life always has a smiling face. Some even had commented that Harendra even when communicating an obituary notice does it too with a grin. This is Harendra’s matchless distinctiveness who when walking on a street too was spotted with a smiling face. Harendra is who commenced reading news as stories which listeners crave to listen with intense penetrating curiosity. This was a proposal Harendra had given before implementation to the Director of Swarnavahini, Jeewaka Edirisinghe .Harendra had asked for six months’ time for its implementation, if it fails the blame he would accept graciously he had added. After implementation Swarnavahini had become Number one news channel after been appointed News Editor only six months previously in November 2008.The SumathiBest Television Announcer Award was presented annually in Sri Lanka by the Sumathi Group of Companies from year 2002 associated with many commercial brands for the best Sri Lankan announcer of the year in television screen which Harendra Jayalal won in year 2008 for his excellence in announcing which had grown in stature from the time he joined Swarnavahini in the early decade of 2000.In addition to been the news editor Harendra was responsible to contribute immensely for producing and assisting in many others the most prolific was obviously the Poya day popular program “Amadhara Daham Sabhawa” along with Venerable Dodampahala Rahula Thera and Attanayake Herath the former professor of Sinhalese language in the Peradeniya University.This program had been viewed my millions in Sri Lanka and in overseas coutried where Sri Lankans are domiciled. When Venerable Dodampahala Rahula Thero was unavailable Harendra was able to obtain the services of Venerable Padangala Dhammadeva Thero an equally knowledgeable Buddhis monk who too keep audiences always captivated and spellbound.. This live program was conducted by Harendra to attract all viewers on Poya days of every month for a number of years uninterrupted. This format was of Harendra Jayalal’s exclusive , to him as a reputed orator too was easy to navigate effectively .The same format is still continued in the Swarnavahini channel to date every Poya day. When Harendra left the Swarnavahini as Editor of news many had questioned him whether it was a huge risk as he would be deprived of the monthly pay packet. But Harendra was confident he and family could exist better with the freedom he possess as a free lancer.To date Harendra has proved his critics incorrect had established himself not finding his work not at all cumbersome.
There were oppositions initially but only later they had realized which is natural phenomenon. According to Harendra the news reader exhibits a huge responsibility to attract and capture the listener to be a sought-after news reader. Harendra loves critics as reviewers as it helps him to focus more on his flaws and weaknesses. This is a natural phenomenon when introducing new themes. Harendra had recently composed a stanza to reminisce late Jackson Anthony to which too there had been negative criticisms which is natural though the positives were huge. It is According to Harendra seventy percent positive responses is a triumph to such a phenomena. The thirty percent negative responses according to Harendra is natural.In a another television confrontations Harendra paid a huge tribute to late Jackson Anthony for his innate talent in art confirming the best actor ever to emerge in the annals of our archives.
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Harendra has an unique ability to read other’s minds which he had confessed, which his beloved wife is too aware of. This is an advantageous to Harendra as he escapes been played out during monetary commitments. Harendra possess an inborn ability to assess accurately to associate with only reliable persons having trust and selecting them fittingly. Harendra had been very conservative when presenting not to receive any harmful comments to him personally and to his employer. This view Harendra sticks firmly to this principle when he interviews individuals for the benefit of viewers of all ages and walks of life.In this scenario Harendra likes to protrude out mainly positive vibes in his interviews . Harendra’s fervent wish is to share the delight and cheerfulness equally among all. Harendra has another distinctive characteristic where he does not like to highlight an individual who is in the limelight having seen and heard on many television channels and you tubes in a given time..But explains to the prospective star that he would be quizzed at a later date.These are strategies are unique to Harendra which helps to forge ahead.
Harendra Jayalal had launched into social media platform only in year 2019 though during this short period to date he is at a top-drawer dweller. Initially Harendra commenced with a story of Professor Ajantha Hapuarachchi who had initially wanted to contribute to a program at the Swarnavahini in mass media communication, which unfortunately did not got off the blocks as the format was peculiar on mass media could not be accommodated. Harendra had jested to her that this could be done to her via his you tube channel just commenced though would not be read by many either. This was done but unfortunately was a failure to date. Harendra adds this failed to fetch viewers, was the least amount of viewers as there were many flaws in the production process with many inferior qualities. The format was unclear hence for the next five months Harendra had endeavoured on many other formats on experimental base.During this period some faithful competent social media platform exponents lent advise to Harendra to travel in the ideal path to boost his endeavour. Harendra had perused many social media platforms but found many had some birthday parties, models, insignificant children meeting artistes etc., dominantly seen the quality of which were inferior wanted to deviate from such topics after a proper probe .This had made Harendra to think in a more positive way to magnetise social media viewers. One genuine follower of Harendra about fifteen years younger had advised him that there is more television type like features in his posts had advised him the proper way to get established. The advise was to do it by getting out of the doldrums, to meet people with realistic and need not be too professional. Harendra had thanked the youngster who advised and added he is now in a bed and likes to remain than falling to the mat below. For you youngster been in the mat had no place to fall below. Harendra had in a television dialog remarked that he had even not known of subscribers coming in, been a real novice or apprentice. By these guides thinking and contemplating Harendra had made to learn his own boundaries. Having studied the technology side as he was already acquainted with , Harendra began to post many videos at intervals with viewers increasing rapidly for his Harendra Jayalal you tube videos. His main concern was to make his an absolute Harendra Jayalal culture. The formats that did not suite to Sawarnavahini was in Harendra’s mind which became accessible and practical to his own you tube channel which was daily flourishing with viewers exceeding in lakhs and lakhs viewing them fascinatingly . The intent of his was to make a imprint of Harendra Jayalal in social media not at all to emulate others but only with his exclusive innovative unique stories. Harendra at the beginning had done all editing uploading of the video by himself improving his knowledge as time passed. Harendra had been misled by some to get assistance and to give them a percentage but he was not bamboozled by them. Harendra was well conversant that it was only the ‘content’ that needed to be significant. He had received the highest views of forty eight lakhs when he published about a six year old child who had spoken fluently English, Hindi and Sinhala sans a valid reason. The pronunciation and accent in English of this child was better than of a child in United States. The other siblings of this child has had no such ability. Hence it was evidently not hereditary. The story of a young Buddhist monk who preaches impeccably is in Harendra’s you tube channel which had been viewed by thirty lakhs which usually is a very high count as normally such a video would be viewed by only about three thousand viewers. Harendra himself disclosed this also in a television confrontation. Harendra also had done a production on rebirth which too had been in his memory from Swarnavahini days. The story of the environmentalist cum journalist Kavindya Jayasekera who lives in an inexplicable ramshackle old house one hundred fifty years old within a jungle had been viewed by over twenty lakhs .For this effort in year 2021 Harendra was nominated for the Sumathi award for the category of social media work. About a destitute father and two sons who live a hard life was viewed by a million after a week only after uploading. It was revealed by Harendra that many of these stories were made into videos after been contacted by them individually. Among the many videos uploaded to Harendra Jayalal you tube some conspicuous ones viewed are: True side of Jackson Anthony, video with Sanath Goonetilleke the disappearance of business typhoon President to be Upali Wijewardena, A woman 67 years old gives birth to a child husband 72 years old, visiting the luxurious hotel Atlantis in Dubai with 1500 rooms where the room charges ranges from rupees two lakhs to rupees fifty lakhs for a day, about Anjela Seneviratne Gamini Fonseka’s second wife,A person who got ordained after consuming heavily all types of drugs, on the portrayal of role of a Buddhist monk in the teledrama Sidhu, novice film star body builder Hindy Randy Seneviratne To Harendra no matter who he interviews as no one will refuse, lately he had made a video with former President Maithripala Sirisena too. Harendra only picks stories with videos having a good ‘content’. The viewers toll has exceeded 950K it is increasing daily all the time as none is boring to the layperson. All these and many other videos of Harendra could be viewed easily from the internet.
However, Harendra makes desperate searches to find if its worthiness before finally deciding to commence work on the video. For this purpose Harendra has deployed a full time paid coordinator as he is entrusted to receive calls take details to forward to Harendra for consideration, a few others like cameramen to complete the exercise who works as a free-lance.. Editing colour separations etc are ‘made by Harendra himself having his experience while at Swarnavahini but for finer colour separation needed he deploys a competent person in the field. Harendra had confessed that he does not like to bloat his channel with videos but opts to maintain a high quality. Today within a period of four years only he has uploaded only less than two hundred and fifty videos only. Only a maximum of eight videos had been uploaded in a month but usually a limited minimum number of three or four only are uploaded in a calendar month.
Another attribute of Harendra Jayalal is that he is not used to reply to peoples negative comments .He also do not like to correct them explaining the stand he was in.He is never worried over such devastating remarks just used to think he is now living in years 2026 or so hence they are not relevant to him .Once there had been a group who had distorted about a statement he had made in Swarnavihini’s ‘Amadhahara’ poya day program, where many including Buddhist Monks had blasted. His wife had woken him from sleep and added there is an insurrection on you calling you a “Kallathoni’.Also by adding he is not a Buddhist may belong to another religion etc.. Harendra had been scolded over the phone too on many occasions. This Harendra had quipped is the attitude of the people which stops abruptly within two to three days . Harendra believes in retribution as the good done is returned sooner or later. Fail to recall good deeds is the human nature is what Harendra believes. Harendra also in a television dialog had added that when he head is saturated with work he remains calm for a day or two think that he is living in the future years like years 2025 /2026 which abruptly relieves his tension.
In the foregoing it is apparent that Harendra Jayalal is now an accomplished journalist having huge clientele in social media platform , a lecturer ,media trainer owner of best voice media and language academy is a young entrepreneur sure to climb to stardom as a celebrity, is already in an effervescent expedition.
Sunil Thenabadu in Brisbane,,,
e mail sthenabadu @ hotmail.com
whatsapp 0061444533242