N.S.VenkataramanIt is an indisputable fact that USA has remained as the super power in the world for the last several years  and continues to remain so , which has happened due to  its large land size, enormous natural resources including   crude oil and natural gas , strong agricultural base and of course ,  spectacular achievements in the field of science and technology.

This has been facilitated to some extent by liberally welcoming the talented people from  across the world to USA.  People   from different countries, then and now, continue to desire to migrate to USA  due to  freedom enjoyed by the people, proactive work culture and   liberal democratic set up  and general affluence in the society.  

Though it is a fact that there are quite a few negative aspects with regard to USA, the positive factors are overwhelming. While there are a few other countries like Russia and China which too enjoy several  natural resources and  large land size  and other advantages , USA has been unique in exploiting its strength   to reap huge benefit for the country.

This is the reason why USA Presidential elections are followed very closely by governments and people all over the world , much more than the leader of  government in any  other country.  As a matter of fact, even the announcements about the appointment of secretaries by Trump before swearing in as American President was much discussed in the media around the  world.

Why Trump voted to power overwhelmingly  ?

At the same time, when Trump was elected as the President for the second time  with overwhelming majority ,  many people around the world  wondered why this happened , particularly since Trump faced several charges such as sexual assault, corruption  and  the fact that Trump supporters carried out violent attack in the Capitol Hill, when Trump was defeated by Biden and many people think that such attack could have been carried out with the knowledge of Trump. Many people around the world has started thinking whether  US citizens do not care about   lack of morals  in private and public life of  US President.

Some people think that Trump won the election overwhelmingly due to negative votes caused by lackadaisical  performance of President Biden.  Some other people think that Trump received huge support due to his loud proclamation of America first policy,   his promise to  deport illegal migrants and his assurance that the war in Ukraine and middle east would be stopped. 

All said and done , after swearing in, Trump has lived upto his image that   he has his own priorities and strong views , even if it would disturb others , so long as his America first policy would be implemented.

How will the world react to Trump’s America ?

Trump has made some statements such as Panama canal should belong to USA, Canada can be an extended territory of USA,  25% tariff would be enforced on goods and services imported from Canada and Mexico and 100% tariff would be imposed on  the BRICS nations , if the  domination of US dollar in the global market would be challenged by BRICS nations by launching any parallel currency  and Trump  has asserted that illegal migrants would be forcefully deported.  All such statements  may be considered to be extreme views by cross section of people, without balancing of thoughts and actions.

In such scenario, it is inevitable that other countries  across the world would start thinking as to whether Trump assumes that God has created USA to police the world. To the extent that  Trump enforces his priorities on the world such  as  quitting from WHO and withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement, the countries in the world would find that they cannot accept such situation with helplessness mind set.   Several governments in the world  would start thinking about  the strategies to discipline “Trump’s America”. Certainly, they would not dare to take any strong measures immediately but  would contemplate in this line of thinking .

Of course , there are at least three countries namely Russia, China and Iran who seem to despise USA’s superiority complex and there are some Islamic extremists who would   try to cause problems for peace in USA internally. Such countries and forces could pose some sort of threat  to Trump’s America.


Is it due to lack of SWOT analysis ?

It is not very clear whether Trump has carried out a realistic strength , weakness , opportunity and threat  (SWOT analysis  ) for USA  and pondered about the risk analysis and mitigation possibilities due to his strong  America  first policy, which Trump appears to think must be reflected by US dominance over the world affair overwhelmingly. 

There is nothing wrong in America first policy of President Trump  but should this policy result in offending other countries is a question , which  even discerning Americans would start thinking aloud.  Certainly, there is nothing wrong in deporting illegal migrants but the illegal migrants have entered America several years back due to the lack of scrutiny by the past US administration  and may be considered by section of people as inhuman, particularly when they remain as law abiding people.  Deporting  the illegal immigrants is highly sensitive issue and may be even economic issue to some extent,  as many American people and even some American companies employ such illegal migrants,  as they need  the services of low level working people. 

America first policy  is impressive and   can strengthen American face creditably but  such policy should not result in  cutting off one’s  nose to spite the  face, which  means to do something that harms someone else, but also harms the person who does it. 




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