Everywhere one looks, thru the “Periscope of life”, trouble abounds. Humans are now contemplating reaching out thru “the black-hole” to find another Planet, on which to start new waves of trouble. Earth is steadily becoming too small, and, too weak to stop all the hazards that confront us daily.
In Australia, however, nothing seems to concern the folk who follow eLanka with grim determination. It was only the plastic-condom that has prevented our dear Lankan/Aussies from manufacturing MORE Aussies, thereby increasing the “sales” of much more plastic furniture for indoor, but mainly outdoor use.
These simple bits of furniture have caused lots of problems, especially for the male gender. I am not going to “spoil it” for you, still I love Aussie humour, the subtle type, where one has to think deeply about what it’s all about.
So, here goes my preference of the “Perils of Plastic”, including “Perfect Poetry” by a Pathetic-Poet, of Perth, I think. Please watch it and laugh, the perils and pathos may mean that you might need a Paramedic to help you stop.
Here we go. “THE PERILS OF PLASTIC”, Especially for :-
Lankan/Aussies, everywhere.
Desmond Kelly
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