Sri Lankan Association of NSW -Multicultural Event in Blacktown-by Dr Harold Gunatillake
Hello Viewers.
Good morning to you.
It is a bright morning and blue skies, on Saturday 8th May.
I am in the City of Blacktown, City Council Hall, two hours’ drive from the heart of Sydney.
Today, the Sri Lankan Association of NSW in collaboration with Blacktown City Council and Multicultural NSW are having a Multicultural Diversity event.
What will be clear is that the Australian SriLankans in NSW having been assimilated into the multicultural community, forms part of the Australian government, and this event today will provide sufficient evidence of that unity.
Let us join.
Hope you will enjoy the day as much as I will do.
Dr Harold
Multi Culturalism; Multi Ethnicity; or Polarization.
In order to understand the above subject one needs to go back to the time that the Great Canadian Politician and Prime Minister (1896 to CLICK
1911) Sir Wilfrid Laurier made this historic speech on – “Immigrants and being a Canadian in the year 1907”.
Wilfrid Laurier 1907 Speech: Wilfrid Laurier’s ideas on Immigrants and being a Canadian in 1907.
‘In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes a Canadian and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to
discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet a Canadian, and nothing but a Canadian. There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is a Canadian, but something else also, isn’t a Canadian at all. We have room for but one flag, the Canadian flag. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the Canadian people.’ Wilfrid Laurier 1907 Every Canadian citizen and “Canadians to be” needs to read this! Multi Culturalism.
Every ethnic group has its’ own time proven and time tested culture, customs, traditions and practices that are peculiar and conducive to its’ own requirements; way of life; and in accordance with their geo-physical
location on the face of the Earth. In some instances religious faiths too merge or bears influence with these cultural practices. It can also be construed as their heritage. Canada too is no exception; with its’ well established, cherished and renown culture, customs, traditions and practices.
In addition the Canadian Society truly boasts and prides itself in its tolerance, respect and understanding of Multi Culturalism in our great land. Which fact is established and World re-nowned. Multi Ethnicity. Ethnicity can be defined as each group’s emergence from their evolution based on common history; linkage/relationship to one another; their language. It also includes their past beliefs in legends; their archeological findings and artifacts; inclusive of customs that stems down from heritage and posterity.
Difference between Multi Culturalism & Multi Ethnicity. The difference is very subtle indeed. But Multi Culture brings along with its complexity and at times hard to comprehend/assimilate customs & traditions; which are at most times, very different and challenging to the already existing traditions & customs of the land to which these alien traditions & cultures are brought. Therein lies an area of conflict that are soon resolved by Political; Lobbyists; and other interested parties that do not appear to understand the long term effect on its time tested cultural fabric of the Land. Changing one’s own culture & tradition to accommodate one that is alien; which seems to lead to some dissension. On the other hand Multi Ethnicity is a concept that members of various
ethnicity or ethnic groups interact with each other while they carry on maintaining their own customs, traditions and cultural practices; which includes their own Faith in Religions. So one may ask oneself – Are we Multi Cultural or Multi Ethnic? Polarization.
The down-size to Multi Ethnicity would be the “polarization” of individual groups; as I’m certain that we have encountered and continue to encounter in our everyday life.
As such one is aghast at the many who do not seem to assimilate the Canadian Way of Life; but call themselves Canadians. To add insult to injury is the fact that many hold what is called “Dual Citizenship”. Which is indicative of their divided Loyalty. In Summary.
It is a fact that almost all immigrations (immigrants) from far and wide came to this great land of milk and honey, of their own accord. Most seeking fresh pasture and yet some due to persecution in their own Motherland. This great Country accepted us with understanding, sympathy and magnanimity; regardless of caste, colour, creed or religion. One must always think – What have we given back into this Land of Adoption? Or; what have we asked of this Land – Are these to contest the already existing traditions & culture of this Land? – It’s yours to ponder.
Every immigrant brings along with him/her the rich and wonderful Customs and Traditions which are time-tested and seethed in heritage that is conducive to and pertinent to the Land he/she lived in. These are an education to be imparted on the People of their land of Adoption; but in no way must this be imposed on the existing Customs & Traditions. The Canadian Public do admire; appreciate; relish and enjoy the “showcasing” of the various Customs & Traditions that have been imported and exhibited publicly and so flamboyantly. It is when these are lobbied to change the existing Customs & Traditions that conflicts arise and much animosity created.
So Dear Readers, think Canadian First; but never forget your roots; your culture, customs & traditions. Do practice these within your own circles of Family; Friends; Well-wishers and Ethnic Group. You owe that to yourself and your progeny. But always remember that you owe this great country; for having accepted you as one of its valued subjects. Go with the flow, strive to enhance it if you can; and reap the harvest of peace,
love and feeling of being wanted.
In retrospect one can only summarize the above by referring to this Great Country as a Plate of Boiled Rice; with the various cultures and traditions as the side dishes to the rice. These side dishes can be selected to enhance the taste buds and all dishes may not be conducive for this purpose; and to that end some may not be made use of in its entirety or wholly. But do always keep in mind that this is your Plate of Rice and is your main menu, that can be partaken sans any side dishes; perhaps only with a grain of salt.
On a final note; please read the introduction that quotes the Great Politician Sir Wilfrid Laurier. His thoughts on Immigrants will be forever etched in the minds of the Great Canadian Nation; and should certainly be in each Canadian’s and “Want to be Canadians” minds. Such Great Politicians are extremely hard to come by. For now, Politics appears to be a highly paid profession; and not a dedication that was the primary resolve and tenacity of the Good Old Politicians of Yore. It is also worthwhile to quote a Great U.S President – the late President
John F. Kennedy who said – “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”
With these two quotes I leave you, the learned Reader, to do and act the way you should to earn that “Plate of Rice”. Always remember that we have only ONE “National Flag” with the Maple Leaf prominently displayed. We do not need to interpolate the Olympic Symbol of 5 “coloured” rings entwined together, to denote the 5 continents, on to our rich and wonderful standard of our most Culturally Rich and Wonderful Land of the Maple Leaf. Let us stay Proud of our National entity and the
National Flag.
Noor Rahim
28th August 2016.