A Mother’s Daily “Never-Ending” Task – by Noor Rahim        While the school going children & wage earners go out to do their tasks Returning home after a day of stress and hard work Longing to pour out their woes into someone’s patient ears There’s none better than one’s Mother’s comfort that one seeks   One’s day starts off with a breakfast that is already on the counter Back home in the evening, to the awaiting cup of tea and dinner But then, that generally is an eight hour stretch of study/work anyway With the weekend and holidays to relax & recuperate in whatever way   But do pause a moment and give thought to a Mother Who wakes much earlier to commence her daily chores, without a murmur Before you can open your eyes and go out on your working venture The Mother who has you in her thoughts ...

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eLanka Newsletter – 20th March 2022 – 6th Edition – Sri Lankans In Australia Click here or on the image below to read this week’s elanka Newsletter “OLD FOLKS AT HOME” – by Des Kelly Sydney Harbour Bridge celebrates its 90th birthday Sri Lanka Sports Association’s 14th Anniversary Dinner Dance on 21st May 2022 (Brisbane event) Why one of Australia’s richest women plans to give away ALL of her $16.5billion fortune – here’s how she rocketed up the nation’s rich list in just nine years Taking the Sri Lankan Brand to Australian Radio! The Brad & Kiara Show Kiara Onradio – on Triple H (100.1 FM) – Saturday mornings 7-8 The Beatles – Cartoon by Max Gerreyn War And Peace – by Oscar E V Fernando SUNDAY CHOICE – He took my place on Calvary Rugby League – Bellamy’s fitting 500th game celebration, a thriller – by Trevine Rodrigo (Melbourne: ...

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Pall of Gloom turns into a Pall of Doom – by Noor Rahim For well-nigh 2 and a half years or so, we have reeled under the shroud of the Pall of Gloom; with the Pandemic affecting our very lives and in some instances causing us such sorrow and grief in the demise of family members, friends and other fellow beings; not to mention those afflicted. So drastic and heart rending was the inability to pay our last respect to the deceased; and convey our sincere and personal condolences to the families; nor visit those who were afflicted. So close, but yet so far is what comes to mind. In addition our very freedom of movement has been drastically restricted and infringed; and the way of normal life has been affected. No more could we visit our own kith & kin; and that goes for friends too. Place of entertainment; ...

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Expressions in the Subway – by Noor Rahim     For want of something to do or ponder My eyes stray around the subway coach There’s nothing of note or topic for search There’s only the screech of metal that tears the silence asunder   But, you can sure see the expressions on the face of the commuter Some pleasant, some defiant and a few boorish It’s just a potpourri of masks that make the dish But all in all it makes you wonder   Why do some look grumpy and some grumpier? Yet some with a look of no approach Unless you wish to seek their wrath Then go ahead and make the blunder   To find a happy face is so much harder For the one you seek is not always a cinch It’s just a baby in its mother’s clutch Giving you a smile that’s a clincher ...

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Communications  & the Use of Human Faculties – by Noor Rahim Communications is an integral and extremely essential part of a person’s regular and normal life. The ability to make each other’s wants, intentions and desires are conveyed in various ways and means. Other than written or electronic methods of communications; the Good Lord has endowed us human beings with the faculty of being able to communicate vocally and supplement it non-vocally with their eyes; head movements; and gesticulating hand movements. Also referred to as “Body Language”, Vocal being the primary and most important basis of communications – can be commanding; aggressive; sarcastic; or humble; depending on the tone and pitch of the voice. It can also be “double-edged” with a double meaning or innuendo in a manner that the listener will have “to read between the lines”. This brings to mind of the oft used term “Wagging Tongues” which ...

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ANGER – The Bane of our Lives – by Noor Rahim     As human beings everyone experiences that day When anger and emotions carry you away Be it displeasure or feeling of hate, sorrow or love But self control is a virtue that one must nurture   Anger has always been the bane of our lives, that confronts us in someway A display that will shock the onlookers and drive them away The gain from such display would result in such distaste A display that would embarrass you in the aftermath, is a guarantee   The intimidating & short lived roar of the waves on the sea beach would drive one away But the retreating wave is one so calm and smooth that fears allay And in its retreat wipe out the foot print that you left in your haste So dear Reader it is Natures’ lesson on anger ...

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“THE AGE OF INNOCENCE & THENCE-FORTH” – by Noor Rahim     As is my routine, in retired life; I sit relaxed on the porch and watch the clouds roll by. For want of something better to do, my mind as usual, wanders into the “reminiscing mode”. Reversing right back into the past; and thence-forth back again into the “comparison mode”, to that of the present day experiences. I feel lucky and very fortunate indeed that I was born 8 and a half decades ago; when the “Age of Innocence” was a fact and ruled the roost. In comparison I find and lament, that this is hardly so in the present days. I now wonder in amazement if the “Age of Innocence” is almost fictional or just one of those periods that has phased away with time. The only exception I believe is in the “eyes of the Law” where ...

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Academics & its’ Resulting Experiences – by Noor Rahim It was in School that we learned our 3 R’s  In addition, we did Biology, Economics & Physics  What a drag we thought it was; during those times  But little did we know of its’ impact in our future life’s experiences    In Biology we garnered knowledge of the birds & the bees  And the goodness of the soil, foliage, leaves & trees  But alas! Man’s destruction of this wealth is endless; it seems  Due to wants and needs; and more so for profitable avarice    In Economics did we study the value of money, financial balances & controls  The meaning of intrinsic & extrinsic values dependent on gold reserves  But these values are no longer thought of in these modern times  Replaced by what appears to be just governmental promissory notes   It can now be summed in the lesson on ...

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Gathering at Social and Festive Events by Noor Rahim Some 30 years or more ago, we did look forward with much anticipation for the occasions, to meet-up with our own Kith & Kin, Friends and acquaintances at Social gatherings; be it confined to the inner circle of Family & Friends or at Public events in the nature of Dances or Socials. These events were generally through invitations to Weddings & Nuptial Ceremonies; Social Gatherings and Community Gatherings; and Dances & Birthdays. Most of these events took place in Hotels or large reception halls depending on the number of invitees; or in the privacy of homes, if space deemed it possible. The feeling of “togetherness” and longing for meeting up with “long-lost” Family members and friends was the striking note to grace such occasions. The time no doubt led to the awesome reminiscences that shed much light to the long forgotten ...

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Canada – Land of Milk & Maple Syrup (Honey) in relation to the Biblical Stories of yore.- by Noor Rahim     It was almost 3 ½ decades ago that we decided to emigrate from our beloved Motherland. By no means was this meant to seek financial gains or for the seeking of fresh pasture. Having given ones best to the Land of our Birth we realised that being members of a “minority” of “minorities in our country was indeed one of being a “second class citizen” in their own native country. It is a known fact that the majority of the population wants their own “cliques” to head all key position. All things being equal we have to give some leeway; provided that the person is more qualified; and or is equally capable. No further explanation requires to be said on this, except to state the old saying – ...

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