The Aura in the Sky – By Noor Rahim

The Aura in the Sky – By Noor Rahim


Aura in the Sky

One sees the aura of the season on the horizon

Bringing the message of Peace and Harmony among humans

For no matter what Faith you follow; its’ sure to awaken

The message of peace, harmony & goodness; which is a given


The smooth and harmonious carols that herald the season

Lulls you to that feeling of longing and anticipation

And your mind does revert to Family, Kith & Kin; and Friends

As you listen and reminisce you soon forget the cold wintry winds


It reminds you of the universal feeling of giving and togetherness

A time of reminiscing and perpetuating good thoughts, wishes and feelings

May you all receive the Good Lords good Blessings

Regardless of caste, creed or religion


In the furore of our merry making and celebrations

Let us not forget our devout supplication

To the Good Lord for His creation

Of a Faith that leads us to a life of fulfilment of goodness among humans


Noor Rahim

23 November 2016



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