The Might of the Pen – By Noor Rahim

The Might of the Pen – By Noor Rahim


The Might of the Pen - By Noor Rahim


“The Pen is mightier than the Sword” is the saying

Stifling of the Pen can cause a populace swing

But the effect may only be temporary and for political gaining

And when truth comes along; lead to populace awakening


The cumulative effect can be far reaching

“An Army marches on its’ stomach” is a Napoleonic saying

It’s true for an Army as it is for the people’s well being

Hence the stomach is the centre of homing


And no doubt an empty stomach will create problems that’s disturbing

The Pen is like the “Scale of Justice” that needs “Just” balancing

We do not need the Pen to be a “Sword of Damocles” dangling

Above the head of a population and threatening


The Pen must in all circumstances be just and well meaning

One must remember that a Pen filled with venomous inkling

Will only spread disharmony and evil doing

Irreparable at times and very disconcerting


So, let us fill the Pen with goodness and human feeling

Spread goodness in keeping with all Spiritual following

For when you answer to the Good Lords’ calling

You can always say – “I always did the correct & just thing”

Noor Rahim
May 05, 2013

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