Co-existence – By Oscar E V Fernando

Co-existence – By Oscar E V Fernando


Co-existence is the state or fact of life together, at the same time or place, by groups holding differing views, without harming each other mentally or physically; such a display of existence is amply shown among various groups such as Islamic, Jewish, and Christians meeting at various international fora, though they have had a history of antipathy and violence.

Experts on Conflict Resolution say that complete absence of conflict is not expected in Co-existence-there may be simmering tensions and conflicts that erupt and these can be put up for arbitration.

Co-e has between advocated by different religions-


-to take the Middle Path to avoid conflicts with others

-told that they cannot survive without others and that they should at all times have positive relations with them

– Seek harmony between self and others-avoiding confrontation by developing peaceful relations between different communities.

Christianity admonishes to-Love thy neighbor as thy self and that we have One Father in Heaven

Co-e is very much the need of the hour in this age of globalization where majority/minority groups are invariably formed in order to satisfy their social, academic and intellectual needs as technology advances further.

In this country we witnessed Co-e being ruptured, due to issues of land, education, police powers etcetera; with all this and more Co-e suffered further as we of a certain vintage and schooled with an ethnic mix learned and learned to share alike-and then segregation on of  ethnic basis set in.

This  was followed by extremes such as  vehicle number plates having to depict the pre-fix Sri-thus giving it the flavor of the majority; this was vehemently opposed by the minority and the government was forced to withdraw this insipid rule and not satisfied with this ego boost the majority came up with another to  satisfy further the boost they were wallowing in-they introduced a gimmick called Standardization that badly affected the sentiments of students and parents and the Co-E we had was in splinters ending up with July 83 riots where we witnessed human bodies being burnt on tire pyres.

Lest readers make a wrong conclusion it must be said that the other side of the divide too came up with this same bestiality later in the day and it is only to be hoped there will be no repetition as that will be difficult to cope with in this age of advanced technology; is it worth the while to live in a ruptured existence?

It is no wonder our President has given top priority to the subject of Co-existence in his speech on the National Policy!

Oscar E V Fernando

December 2024



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