Co-existence – By Oscar E V Fernando Co-existence is the state or fact of life together, at the same time or place, by groups holding differing views, without harming each other mentally or physically; such a display of existence is amply shown among various groups such as Islamic, Jewish, and Christians meeting at various international fora, though they have had a history of antipathy and violence. Experts on Conflict Resolution say that complete absence of conflict is not expected in Co-existence-there may be simmering tensions and conflicts that erupt and these can be put up for arbitration. Co-e has between advocated by different religions- Buddhists- -to take the Middle Path to avoid conflicts with others -told that they cannot survive without others and that they should at all times have positive relations with them – Seek harmony between self and others-avoiding confrontation by developing peaceful relations between different communities. Christianity admonishes to-Love thy ...

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Celebrating Sri Lanka’s Water Heritage on World Water Day-by Kalani-eLanka March 22nd marks World Water Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of water resources worldwide. In celebrating this vital natural resource, we turn our attention to Sri Lanka, an island nation blessed with abundant water sources that play a crucial role in its cultural, environmental, and economic landscapes. In 2024, World Water Day resonates with the theme “Leveraging Water for Peace,” emphasizing the transformative power of water as a catalyst for cooperation, harmony, and conflict resolution.  Water holds profound cultural significance in Sri Lanka, woven intricately into the fabric of everyday life and religious practices. The nation’s ancient hydraulic civilization, exemplified by the remarkable feats of engineering such as the ancient reservoirs and irrigation systems, stands as a testament to the ingenuity of its ancestors in harnessing and ...

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