Co-existence – By Oscar E V Fernando Co-existence is the state or fact of life together, at the same time or place, by groups holding differing views, without harming each other mentally or physically; such a display of existence is amply shown among various groups such as Islamic, Jewish, and Christians meeting at various international fora, though they have had a history of antipathy and violence. Experts on Conflict Resolution say that complete absence of conflict is not expected in Co-existence-there may be simmering tensions and conflicts that erupt and these can be put up for arbitration. Co-e has between advocated by different religions- Buddhists- -to take the Middle Path to avoid conflicts with others -told that they cannot survive without others and that they should at all times have positive relations with them – Seek harmony between self and others-avoiding confrontation by developing peaceful relations between different communities. Christianity admonishes to-Love thy ...