GOOD FOOD by Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’


by Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’

desmond kelly

A while ago, Dr.(kill or cure) Kelly wrote this article, telling my readers out there (eLanka & Lanka Times), where else? , how to breathe. Which “nostril” to use, depending on how you feel, first thing in the morning.

I do not intend to reiterate any of my “works”, suffice to say that if you use neither, you end up, a dead duck.

Good Food, two simple words, taken in SMALL quantities, is also very necessary if you want to continue in life. I do not profess to be Carl Muller, but I do happen to be another “Burgher Bugger” who likes to say (and write) exactly as I feel.

Diets, and there are dozens of them out there, are bullshit. Obese human beings often use these diets to “lose weight”. Most times, they don’t work, and when they do, most times, the “dieters” end up looking like skeletons. The once chubby, smiling, guys or girls become thin, irritable human beings, flaccid skin hanging off their bones, making them feel & look terrible. Being obese, on the other hand, is not good for your health either. Heart problems, Diabetes, various other horrible diseases emanate from just over-eating. The trick here, as my “title” says, is simply “GOOD FOOD, IN SMALL QUANTITIES”.

ELanka and the Lanka Times are extremely fortunate in having a “Health-Writer”whose name is Dr.Harold Gunatilleke. Simply known as Dr.Harold, he gives everyone who reads his “articles” the very best advice about everything to do with leading a better, healthier life. I have been called many things in my life, (Dr.Kill or Cure), the latest, but I am sure Dr.Harold will agree that my “GOOD FOOD” (indexed alphabetically), would be considered “GOOD ADVICE” for my readers everywhere.Dr.Harold will correct me if I’m wrong.

Dear readers, wherever possible, try to eat some :-

BEANS, that are, among things, great for your heart. The good news is that there are many variaties to choose from, including BLACK BEANS (which are supposed to improve the brain-power) as well, LENTILS, KIDNEY BEANS, LIMA BEANS & PEAS. Please don’t go eating too much of these, & spending the rest of your life in the toilet.!

BRAN, used to enrich breads & cereals, is also an excellent source of dietary fibre, thereby promoting good colorectal & heart-health.

BERRIES. It doesn’t matter what kind they are, berries are jam-packed with good things. Rich, both in fibre & vitamins, berries are also known to boost brain-power, fight Cancer & improve your immune system. They are also very good for your heart.

BANANAS. Top athlethes, Tennis players, Cricketers, etc., all seem to get stuck into a banana whenever they get the chance. Why? , because they are full of vitamin
B, to give them (& us), energy & Potassium, which protects the heart. Again, don’t eat too many, but ONE BANANA a day is seriously thought to reduce blood-pressure and protect the body against Atherosclerosis a build-up of fatty acids in the arteries.

CARROTS, or Carotenoids, the compound that which give red, yellow & orange fruit and vegetables their rich colour, are the KEY to the mighty power of Carrots.These help them to fight Cancer, reduce the risk of Asthma & Arthritis & improve the eyesight as well.

ORANGES. Everyone knows, or should know that Oranges or Orange-juice are a great source of Vitamin C., something which the human body cannot produce on it’s own. But Oranges are also said to contain Phytonutrients & other antioxidents which lower the blood pressure and keep the heart healthy.

OLIVE-OIL. Most people now cook with it anyway, but if you don’t, then you should be aware that Olive-oil is one of the best sources of monounsaturated fatty-acids and can protect us from heart disease by controlling levels of “bad cholesterol”, while boosting the levels of “good cholesterol” in the body at the same time. It is also known to contain antioxidents.

SPINACH. If you ever wanted to grow muscles on your muscles, Pop-eye was the character to watch. He loved his Spinach. Full of Omega 3s & folate, Spinach also prevents heart disease, Stroke & Osteoporosis & contains Lutein which is known to fight the ageing process. We have to get old soon enough,why push it?

TOMATO. What can we say about tomatoes, except, what is it they cannot do? , Preventing Cancer, keeping your heart healthy & boosting immunity. This is truly a “Superb-Vegetable”, the redder, the better, because this means that “they” contain more Lycopene which is known to fight Cancer.

WALNUTS. Packed with Omega 3, , polyphenols & protein, making them better than any other nut, out there, oops, I’m sorry about that. Didn’t mean YOU.

So, there you have it folks, a few “GOOD FOODS”

BEANS, BRAN, BERRIES, BANANAS, CARROTS, ORANGES, OLIVE-OIL, SPINACH, TOMATO, & WALNUTS, Everyday foods that should take pride of place in your kitchen . There is no need to “make a meal” of any of these GOOD FOODS but make sure that you have a “sample” as often as possible & don’t worry about dieting. If you still die, after reading this, please don’t come back to grizzle about it and also please remember, I told you so.

Desmond Kelly.
“Star of e’Lanka”.


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